Let's recap, shall we? Or maybe I should say you ARE going to recap with me! LOL
My true vacation began on Wednesday, July 11th. Unfortunately, I had to return to work for a half day of "mandatory" staff meeting on Thursday...so really my vacation didn't begin until the 13th. But as you may recall (and I have not forgotten!), I got juiced up with NOVANTRONE on Friday the 13th...and it was NOT a good time as Dr. She Who Will Not Be Named flew off in her vacationing space ship and left me high and dry without the proper medication orders. I spent the next week feeling the ill effects of the Novantrone, so technically speaking, my vacation REALLY didn't start until Saturday, July 21st. LOL
But since Saturday, I have celebrated a 43rd birthday, was taken out to eat at a fine restaurant by Saint EB, received lovely birthday gifts, gone for a bike ride, hiked at Mount Rainier, was taken to the local reservation casino by Big Al (did I forget to mention my gambling habits this past week?!?) for the day, built a small wall in my yard, hauled about a half ton of broken concrete from my front yard to the back, went to the horse races as a birthday present with dear "T" (I seem to have gambled quite a bit this week!) which I have never been to before, and hiked a 7.4 mile gut-busting trail! Yeah...I may have REALLY only had a week of true vacation, but I jammed it full of good times.
And now...now, I count down the final hours/minutes before I return to the "grind" of my employment. I am hoping I can remain calm and rested for a bit and ease my way back into the fast-moving pace of crisis intervention (which IS my job!), but it is doubtful this will be the case. This week at work brings multiple changes on many levels and I am not looking forward to any of these changes. I will be returning to a new supervisor and coordinator recently hired, saying good-bye to my previous "Big Boss Lady", who I have grown to respect, moving down the street to a new office building with all new surroundings/phones/procedures, etc., and trying to incorporate a new change in the law I represent. Just thinking about all of these changes is quite overwhelming!
I will try my darnest to get around to all y'alls blogs this week, but it might be a few days in between before I get there...my vacation from work has both saved me and ruined me! So, until we meet again in comments (either here or on YOUR blog), wish me luck...I'm goin' in...LOL
Take it easy sister, ease into it with care.....
i have my second hand of Rituxan and i'll let you know how it went...(even if you didn't ask...hehe!!!)
i also go a script for Aminopyridine. We'll see...
Hmmm, you have a typo there ... "But since Saturday, I have celebrated a 43rd birthday"
that is supposed to be 34, no?
You sure packed a lot into that vacation girl! Dang!
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