Case in point: The following abstract was plagiarized from volume 22 of the Clinical Neuropsychology Journal...yes, I DID say plagiarized because I didn't PAY for the abstract or full article. It seemed waaaaay too stupid a thing to pay good money for (when I could waste my hard-earned dough on more important things like...I don't know...food?!?).
Specificity of frontal dysfunctions in relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis
Various studies have reported deficits in frontal cognitive functions in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). However, the frontal deficit is not uniform and is often very subtle. The aim of this study was to assess frontal functions in a broad sample of patients with relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis at the mild-to-moderate stage. The sample included a series of 165 patients. We used a test battery covering the frontal functions that have been described as being altered in MS. Significant differences were found between the patient group and healthy controls on the WAIS Arithmetic subtest, the PASAT, category word recall and the number of trials required to reach the first category of the WCST. In conclusion, we observed significant differences with respect to the control group in terms of information processing speed and working memory. These functions involve connections between the frontal lobe and other brain regions.
If I could add the sound effect of Homer Simpson saying "D'Oh!" right here I would! I wonder if "they" will rediscover fire again soon, too?!?...scarce research money well spent I think...
in not taking offense at your stab at scientists, I do feel the need to say that sometimes when we go looking for something we don't end up find what we want & so we have to end up writing it up anyways . . . it's not always as black & white as it looks in the papers
But I don't really care right now since "I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again" LOL
I'm thinking of getting funding to see if people with MS have 'bad feelings'. I think 25Million should do it. Want to co-author?
Gosh, they didn't need to waste all that time and money in their research about MS damage in the frontal lobes. I could have taken them for a ride in my car. They would see quite quickly how well I do under stress at high speeds trying to assimilate all the incoming data from other cars, merging in traffic, trying to figure out all the complicated lane changes and signs,and best of all, how well I do when something unexpected happens! Valium is recommended for all passengers. lol
Research is paid for by the drug companies. They pay people to research it so it comes out in their favor. And the drug companies are the ones dictating our health care. And remind me again why I can't seem to find a competent doctor? What a vicious cycle!
Unfortunately, I feel I CAN criticize THESE scientists as they are "neuropsychologists" (not REAL scientists like what you do! LOL)...they are just glorified psychologists doing what they do best...speculating.
I would never tackle a REAL scientist!!! LOL
Happy trip home,
I'm in!!
Are you OFFERING to be a case study?!? Now, that might be fun...
Unfortunately, even studies NOT specific to pharmaceuticals are often funded by "interested" parties...
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