I think Funky Mango http://www.margomilne.com/wordpress/ ) is toying with me...either that or F.M. is just checking my eye sight to see if I can still read the fine print of her blog! Either way, I DID note I had been tagged in Funky's recent post with the following:
A- Attached or Single? I am more like "attached to being single" at the moment
B- Best Friend: Too many to choose from
C- Cake or Pie: Cherry Pie...nice filling oozing from the center cherry pie
D- Drink of Choice: Used to be margarita's...now, it's just plain old water
E- Essential Item: Today, my ceiling fan for the 80 degree weather...by November, my heater!
F- Favourite Color: Lavender
G- Gummi Bears or Worms? With or without ketchup? That matters...
H- Hometown: A tiny village in Nebraska
I- Indulgence: Crabtree & Evelyn bubble bath (Lavender scented, of course)
J- January or February: Tough call because winter usually doesn't agree with me. Probably February though as it means one month closer to spring.
K- Kids: Where?!?! I forgot to have any of my own
L- Life is incomplete without: I'd have to agree with Funky on this one: music
M- Marriage Date: Doesn't one first have to HAVE a date to have a marriage?
N- Number of Siblings: Two sisters, one deceased and one who sometimes wishes she was dead.
O- Oranges or Apples? Apples...only because you can't make PIE out of oranges
P- Phobia: Too many to list...see previous post for a run down: http://brain-cheese.blogspot.com/2007/06/taggedok-maybe.html which was also the result of another SHAMELESS tag by Have Myelin!!!
Q- Favourite Quote: "It takes a really big God to move the bowels of mankind." --Anon Mentally Ill Patient
R- Reasons to smile: Whenever the mood strikes me!
S- Season: Fall...is there any season prettier than that?
T- Tag Three: Moohahaha!!! Miss Chris at http://azchick.blogspot.com/, Sherry/Have Myelin at http://wordsalads.blogspot.com/ (because NO ONE deserves this more than you!), and Sara at http://garnetslifeadventures.blogspot.com/ because I STILL haven't posted responses to the tag YOU gave me last month!
U- Unknown Fact About Me: My life is an open book...there is little unknown
V – Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals? Going out to grill a steak just as soon as I am finished posting this (sorry Joyce/Harkoo!)
W- Worst Habit: You'd have to ask my friends this question about me...and even they might have trouble just naming ONE!
X – X-rays or Ultrasounds? I DO love a good X-ray, but I imagine Ultrasound is the more "p.c." thing to choose.
Y- Your Favorite Foods: I have never met a person I couldn't talk to or a food I didn't like
Z- Zodiac: Well, THIS should be obvious! LEO, of course (which DOES mean I am having a birthday soon...hint, hint)
Okay...I'm on it. I'll have to put some thought into this one!
Hehe...or should I type Moohahahaha!?!
I did mine :)
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