Miss "T" and I were up and on the road only seconds after Dawn flashed her crack (OK, y'all know THAT'S NOT true...but we WERE on the road before noon!)...we drove, gabbed, and gossiped our way to Ocean Shores, WA. Food became a priority, so we decided to hit the quickest and most harrowing type: McDonald's. We each ordered a "Big Mac" (can you spell h-e-a-r-t a-t-t-a-c-k, children?!?), having not had one in many years (we were on "vacation" from work! Give us a break...), ate our treat, and drove onto the beach.
Now...THIS is where the "story" changes to suite our desired tale...
When we left Seattle, it was already approaching the 70's...the forecast was to be in the 80's, which in this region of the world, is considered HOT! So, we both packed only a pair of shorts and light jackets (mine was a long-sleeved blue jeans shirt, Miss "T" wisely packed a sweat shirt). We emerged from the safety and warmth of the vehicle, only to discover a "colder-than-a-well-digger's-ass" WIND blowing off the Pacific Ocean!!! Who knew?!?
Eventually, after the shock of the chill had worn off, we regrouped our clothing options, repositioned our beach chairs (using the car as a wind screen), and proceeded to have a chilly, but fun time. LOL We took a very long walk down the beach (with our noses running from the chill and wind), played frisbee with Miss "T"s hound, figured out how to construct and FLY a two-stringed kite (this actually got pretty funny as neither one of us knew what we were doing...it attracted a bit of attention from the surrounding crowd as we repeatedly nearly gave each other a closed head injury by dive-bombing the kite contraption into the sand!), found some beach treasures (aka, sand dollars, etc), did some "tourist" shopping (because we needed a refrigerator magnet to add to the collection at work...don't ask! LOL), ate at a wonderful Irish Pub (I haven't had good Shepperd's Pie since I was a wee lass!), and proceed to donate a fair amount of money to the Quinault Indian Tribe (casino) in just a few, short hours.
BUT...IF ANYONE ASKS YOU...THIS is the story we are telling: The weather was fabulous, we walked at least 10 miles on the beach in bikinis, we were asked to enter next year's acrobatic kite flying contest because of our mastery skills, we ate like birds, and we made out like bandits at the casino.
That's just in case anyone ASKS you...LOL...
Glad you had a nice time, despite burning your "nice, white pasty self" (Truthfully I wasn't wishing for you to be charbroiled, but it happens to the best of us). :)
Greetings! It's nice to hear from you...I think I have seen your comments on STEVE'S BJJ blog, but...my memory sucks, so...LOL
And I AM quite pasty-white by birthright...nothing I am "proud" of, but my albino skin still persists!
Ohhhh, albino skin rocks! We get fewer *wrinkles*, my dear!
Next time invite me. I'll have to bring a FUR coat. It sounds cold!
Shepherd's Pie. Yum.
You are invited ANY TIME...but you'd probably get shot up here in liberal Washington wearing a fur coat! Not like the Republican state of Colorado...LOL Oh, and that's if Joyce/Harkoo didn't shoot you first!!!
so jealous . . . but the sun has come out today so I'm very excited about that . . . not the same as your holiday, but sun is sun!!
Itsy-bitsy teeny-weenie polka-dot bikini? Yeah, but it was so damn cold your nipples could cut concrete. It's like that here in Philly too. 54 one day and now 92 today. GHAA!
Yep, sun is sun...it can BURN you even if it is colder than a well digger's arse outside! Just trust me on this one...LOL
!!!!! I have shamelessly USED that analogy from the first time you posted it on your blog...I like to change up "colder than a well digger's arse" and "so cold my nipples are hard enough to cut concrete". For this, I will ever be grateful to you...LOL
The pics from the beach look soooo inviting. We roasted in Vegas. Oh well...I'm used to it.
But you get to have that "tanned" look year round! I just get sunburned feet...
(insert devious snicker here)
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