I had to report in to work this afternoon at the satellite office...the one just above the morgue at the county hospital? You'd think being that close to cooling, dead bodies would radiate a bit of a "chill" into the air, but no...it was HOT there! The office windows face westward, so by 2:00PM it's a frying pan in there. And to make matters worse, there IS NO AIR CONDITIONING in this office!
I'm sure the sunburn on the tops of my feet and my face did not help with my personal temperature control today (God's way of saying, "You've had a bit too much fun at the beach".) But I think any "normal" person would have had their tongue out wagging trying to cool themselves off in there...any "normal" person would probably have not sunburned themselves either at the beach, but I digress...
I think I was just destined to be HOT today and not in the Paris-Hilton/Madonna "hot" way, either. Let's face it...sweating profusely should be reserved for "special" occasions...like sex or something. But if that were the case, I'd never sweat at all...LOL
So it's off to beddy-bye for me...I am seriously considering getting one of those portable air conditioners (it's your fault, ZEE!...see her blog for details), but oddly MY HOME is not as hot as it is at work. Maybe I should just consider not working instead...I wonder if my boss would go for this plan?!?...
I like the not working b/c it's too darn hot out plan - luckily my lab has A/C but home does not & my room faces the sun all day long!! BUT I do love the light
I'm not one to say, "I told you so." But... if I were, I'd say it now. After all, I did suggest a portable air conditioner some weeks ago and you poo-poo'ed the entire idea.
But I'm not one of those "I told you so," people. I'd never say, "I told you so." That would be wrong. :)
Okay .. set up a wireless hub in your office, pretend to be dead by not moving and wait for them to move your body to the morgue ... then skedaddle into one of the 'body files' and do your work there. No?
Just be careful not to travel "into" it too soon...all the LIGHT, that is, in your apartment!
Hmmm...I tried for a cheap joke there and failed...
As I tell my neurologist repeatedly whenever she "appears" to be right about something:
Wireless hub?!?! Surely you jest, man...we still hire monks and/or engrave everything in stone in MY office! Hmphf!
The heat remained in the office all night long, draining my energy and making me grumpy. Or maybe that was just the undiscovered volcano beneath our satellite office. You can't win up there, open the window and hear the godawful grind of Moloch's machines, or close the windows and stifle. Fortunately, I can turn on then nifty Sony cd player/radio (that I happened to bring in) and groove to the dance/trance of C89 FM. Works wonderfully for filling out packets. Someone really should do something about that paperwork. Oh, wait, that's us, trying to fight the many-headed hydra of bureaucracy. We can't win. We're going to hell in a wastebasket. But we might as well enjoy the ride. To quote Slim Pickens in "Doctor Strangelove": Yee-haw!
(Can you tell I've been up all night?) R.
See people! I told you it was HOT up there! Even little RoJoo cooked his hiny off (and he was there in the night)!
I imagine whatever paperwork we are able to eliminate in our job, will simply create MORE paperwork to explain WHY we are eliminating it! LOL
Is it just me or is anyone else asking themselves what you put in those packets in your job above the morgue? I told you all earlier i left the field of psychiatric nursing to do portraits. LD. Your job sounds weird! Did you know you can make $75 doing a portrait of a cat? And it is big bucks for a person! Any interest in pursuing a job change? Any other ideas for LD to pursue? lol
My "fault"??? I think it was just my brilliant idea opening up your options to you.
Ha!! Come on, what's $500 wen your personal comfort and disease-control is concerned? And also, you can deduct it from your taxes as a health care expense! Woo!
Sorry it's so hot up there - if it makes you feel better, even my lovely AC unit didn't keep things chilly in here... it was tolerable, but not cold - the way I like it. :)
Those "packets" contain 12 legal forms with my signature on them, which will by someone a 72 hour stay at their local Psychiatric Evaluation and Treatment Center! Not exactly "Club Med", but...LOL
As far as doing portraits...don't I have to have SOME kind of artistic talent to do that?!? There's a line between autistic and artistic and I can't cross it...
You given me great hope that I, too, can chill out if needed! I really did review the unit you got and I think I like it...just need to part with the cash (which I already have distributed to other "slush" funds this month!) and go get one. Before they are all sold out for the summer...
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