My "issues" about money surely stem from growing up a poor share cropper's daughter...OK, maybe I wasn't a share cropper's daughter, but I DID grow up PWT (poor white trash). We never had a lot of money in our family (and still don't), but we always had the necessities. Nothing extravagant, but basic needs taken care of.
That's why I think it is sooooo difficult for me to spend money on myself in my adulthood. Now don't get me wrong here...I think I am (and I think my friend's would back this statement...or at least you'd BETTER back it! LOL) a very generous person. I don't seem to have any difficulty spending money on OTHER people. I delight in giving gifts or paying for something I think someone else might struggle to afford...it IS just money, after all.
But when it comes to buying MYSELF things (like underwear, clothes, "toys", etc.), I balk...I have convulsions...I become....C-H-E-A-P! Take for instance the current state of my beloved computer printer...
I have had the same printer for almost 10 years...it's been reliable and faithful...I LOVE my computer printer! But lately, I have had to nurse it along, manually feeding paper into it, resetting it, cleaning up after it...after much struggle, I can finally admit my printer has spewed its last ink. But will I go buy another one? Nooooooooooo...because I'm cheap.
There is simply no rationalizing with me about this...I KNOW a new printer can be found for less than a hundred dollars...it's not the money really. It's the idea THIS printer should continue working and I don't really NEED a new printer, do I?!? And here's the pisser to my "cheapdom"...if someone were to GIVE me a new printer, I'd probably give it away to someone ELSE I thought needed it more!!!
So, I'm trying to bite the bullet here to work on this "issue"...I'm trying to figure out what this "core idea" is all about. The best answer I can come up with is that I am CHEAP! In the worst way, too...I short change myself thinking I either "can't afford" (which is really WON'T afford) or don't deserve certain things I think of as luxury.
All I can say is, thank God I don't think of FOOD as a luxury! CHEAP goes out the window when it comes to eating...LOL...
My dad used to tell me about his youthful years on the farm with his 11 brothers and sisters. 3 rooms: 1 for boys, 1 for girls, 1 for the GP. 4 tooth brushes; do the math. Food was never a problem on the farm, but God forbid if you put a hole in your Sunday best!
I think you should go to Sunglass Hut and buy yourself a smokin' pair of Prada sunglasses for no less than $150. You should then wear said sunglasses and look hot. But that's just my opinion. :)
I totally agree with you about being cheap, but I reckon (no I KNOW) if I got a free printer I'd keep it & give away my not so good one to a good cause.
I'm still wearing my fav pair of pajamas which my mom gave me when I was in my first year of college, yes that's right back in 1997, making them 10 years old this Chistmas . . . I actually got a few new ones this past Christmas b/c my "fav pair" are starting to fall apart, now don't get me wrong, they're still wearable & I will probably wear them until they are literally just a few threads falling off of me AND I fear the day it happens, not that my new ones aren't nice, it's just that my "fav pair" are still usable, why do I need 4 pair of PJs??? Also note I would only have my fav pair (the set is complete with shirt, shorts and pants - for winter & summer use) if my sis & best friend hadn't bought me new ones
Psychiatric Analysis: Could this be the same reason you are having trouble buying yourself an air-conditioner which is essential for your well-being with MS?
I have the opposite problem: I seem to think I deserve everything I want, whenever I want it and hang the price. It is not a good alternative, trust me.
Oddly, I find this to only be the case where general stuff is concerned - computers/software, kitchen stuff, household stuff, books, stuff for the pooch, etc. But clothes? I rarely buy myself clothes or shoes. I'm not sure why, but I just don't do it and feel like I'm wasting money when I do.
Figure that one out... I think I might be missing a gene somewhere.
Anyway, I'm with Steve: go buy some really fancy sunglasses! Or a nice purse. Or something. :)
I pretty much have the same cheap gene but mine isn't quite as developed. :)
I truly hate to spend money on myself but now and then I just have to do it. For instance, I just bought a new box fan because mine burned out and I can't sleep without one in the room. Spending that $10.00 damn near killed me but I knew I had no choice...
Go buy that A/C unit you NEED for health reasons AND, while you're out, pick up a printer. After 10 years of faithful service there's no need to make your current one feel any guilt for dying. LOL!
I think you should put yourself first. Everyone around you is important too, but YOU are the most important. Now get to Best Buy and get that printer! lol
I guess I am at the opposite end of the spectrum …I think I deserve “stuff” . it drives me nuts and into debt most of all ,but I get depressed ( long story ) and the only way to see the light at the end of the tunnel ( in coming train , most times , albeit LOL) is to buy something extravagant .I’ve been known to have $100 in my account for another 2 weeks until the next paycheck and spend $70 of them on a bottle of good champagne … Pathetic , I know but the funny thing is I never regretted it ….Somehow is nothing like a long bath alone, crying after the marriage is over but with Ben & Jerry and the best Champagne known to man ….
Sorry , I know is disgustingly decadent , but like they say …”la guerre come a la guerre”
Yeah...and my parents used to walk 5 miles to school! No wonder they always seemed a bit "dumb" to me as a child...by the time they GOT to school, they must have been really really tired! LOL
Here's the dilemma with your idea, as great as it sounds...I'm 4-eyed!!! I wear glasses that change on their own for sunlight...but maybe a new pair of spectacles would be good...LOL
I probably have UNDERWEAR older than you! No offense...I still have my favorite sweatshirt from high school (thank goodness it was about 3 sizes too big back then!) that I refuse to give up...the sleeves are torn and ratted, there are holes in the body of it...but yes, I STILL wear it for "special" occasions...LOL
I truly understand the PJ situation...
I KNEW you'd see through this!!! Psych nurse and all...LOL
OMG, you'd think buying new clothes was like giving up a kidney here...but what if I NEED the old one (s)?!?!
I have the same problem with clothes shopping...
Good God! You splurged with that $10.00!!!! You'll have to do a lot of hail mary's to repent THAT extravagant expenditure! LOL
Personally, I think I'm really just to lazy to SHOP for one! But there is on line shopping...oooooo! I'm scared!
So, party at YOUR house then?!?!
You go girl...spend it like you stole it...cause you can't take it WITH you! LOL
You need to have fun with your money to loosen up. I find life works for me when i binge on occasion with my money. Last Saturday night, i ordered a $300 coat rack from California. It offers a place you can put your umbrellas too. I don't need a coat rack. I need furniture still for my house and i still need draperies but i am very happy looking at my coat rack now. And the week before, i ordered $75 worth of gourmet brownies with peanut butter fudge icing on them. I don't need the calories but i indulged for several weeks and am a happier person today. You need to develope a new attitude. Love yourself more, treat yourself more. Then get ready for the serious purchases when you are happy.
All right Linda D., here's how it works.
When you spend money on YOURSELF, you help OTHERS. How? Well, you are providing JOBS for others mah dear. Yup, gainful employment for those who make said products.
Just think if everyone thought like you...our economy would come to a roaring HALT!
I know...cuz my family owned a retail store for 25+ years.
Thank God we sold it before you came in! LOL.
I think my problem is I love myself too much...or is it I always think I'm right?!? I forget...LOL
Yes, BUT...given my propensity to dwell upon these things, I keep many a THERAPIST in new cars and nice shoes! LOL
But Linda..you need to keep an Epson employee well-fed! Or whatever your printer preference... LOL.
You are a hoot! Not of the owl kind either. I have an owl phobia. Did ya know?
HEY! You've been tagged. What are your phobias?
Talk to your therapist, I'm sure she/he won't mind losing a pair of shoes!!! :-]
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