Soaked in a monsoon-type rain, dripping water, shivering, and with a bleeding shoulder, Saint EB appeared in the haze of a grey, Seattle morning. She had just done her first "tour" with Dr. She Who Will Not Be Named and the MS150 team...I got a phone call from her cell earlier, saying she was on her way back to the designated parking area where the team had started out their "ride around Lake Washington" at 7:30AM (which, by the way, IS a 75 mile trip!). She had turned back at one of the legs of the tour, after crashing into a wall...but not before hopping back on her bike and traveling another 5 or so miles!
"What in the h-e-double L toothpicks did she DO to you?!?" I practically yelled on the street when I saw my wounded hero wheeling her bicycle toward me...I had already made up my mind this was the good doctor's fault and the wrath of my fury would be bestowed upon Dr. SWWNBN.
Saint EB downplayed the whole event (this is how it is in MY mind, anyway), saying the "boys" and the good doctor were being "held behind" because she was too slow for them, so she LIED to Dr. SWWNBN (why NOT, I suppose? I've done the same...LOL) and said she was too tired to continue...she proceeded to ride behind them without their knowing to the next destination, then turned around and headed back. Somewhere on the trail before this, however, she managed to crash into a wall, scraping her shoulder, which was bleeding.
Now, I'm not exactly certain why I feel RESPONSIBLE for this trauma, but I do...my fierce mother bear comes out when I think one of my "cubs" has been wrongly wounded. I was ready to smack Dr. SWWNBN (even though I know it really wasn't her fault...I just have fantasies of "smacking" her...LOL) or, at the very least, challenge her to a round of Indian Leg Wrestling (she's a tiny woman and I KNOW I could take her!).
I loaded up my bleeding and tired warrior (AKA, my "rider") into my car and drove her back to where her car was parked. I thought for sure Saint EB would tell me she was through with this fiasco and we'd just continue to "train" this summer, but maybe for the "Special Olympics" instead. This was not the case...
As we stood in the rain transferring the bike to her car, Saint EB asked if we were "still on" for our drive tomorrow? "Huh?" was all I could say.
She was talking about the drive we had planned last week to go north of Seattle where the MS150 is going to be held...we had planned to drive the "route" so she could get an idea of the hills that would be involved.
I stammered, not sure of my response. Surely Saint EB had also received a concussion from her "crash" and Dr. SWWNBN had missed this on her roadside exam (she's just a neurologist after all...not a "real" doctor!)...
"You still want to go?" I asked in disbelief. I was starting to think Saint EB had quite possibly fallen into shock and I would be needing to rush her to the nearest emergency room.
"Well, yeeeaaah," she says, like I was the one with the head injury. "It might be raining, but we'll still have a good drive." And with that said, she hopped in her car with the spring of a 20-something rider and drove off.
I think it was my mother who used to say, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions"...I think the road to "heaven" (or substitute whatever afterlife/karma/place we go when we die) must be paved with the likes of people like Saint EB...
Training wheels?
But seriously ... EB ... thnx.
I was thinking more like a large, padded suit...like that Michelin Man cartoon?!
Ah... I didn't know that this was going to be a bloodsport!
EB sounds like one tough lady. I'm glad I put my money on her. What were the odds again?
Wait... you mean I wasn't placing a bet? Shoot.... :)
"Look back, and smile at perils past."
Sir Walter Scott
Saint EB is a true hero !
Yes, she IS tough...but I think your bet should be on whether she KILLS me before or after the ride! It's looking 50/50 either way right now...LOL
My hero definitely...I only hope I get to still remain her FRIEND after all of this is over!
I'm sure she didn't think she was putting her life on the line to raise this money!!
Hope she is recovering from the expereience!
Linda, I love your stories! :-]
I'm not exactly sure WHAT she was thinking!?! I know I was thinking, "Don't be anymore than a cheerleader on this"...and I can't even do the splits!
The sad part is, Sherry, these stories are TRUE! Rather scary...
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