I apologize (I mean, I would if I had any ability to feel remorse) for my recent sporadic posting of late and my lack of responses to comments left here on CHEESE...I have been struggling a bit just to keep my head above the social/work/health waves that have been crashing against my life these days. My weekend has been spent simply GETTING READY for my next work week...not exactly a "fun time" had by all. LOL
I have been busily doing yard work, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, paying bills, and washing dishes over the past two days...I've almost completed all of these tasks...just in time to START ALL OVER AGAIN tomorrow! I think I must be being punished for some horrible prank I played during my more energetic years...
And to add insult to injury, my legs have been consistently giving me fits for the past several days...my "high on life without MS" seems to be winding down and I will be turning back into a pumpkin at midnight...or at least turning back into a whining, pathetic MS sufferer anyway...my other persona. LOL
I DID try the Baclofen last night and I do think it helped me get through the night without waking up in pain/pins & needles as much...my throat unfortunately felt like someone had dumped a load of sand in it by morning and my head felt like I had been partying like it was 1999 (I know...cheap PRINCE reference...so be it). But...BUT...my legs didn't seem to ache as much throughout the day, so I shant complain too loudly about the poisonous drug. OK, yes I shall...LOL
On a much brighter note...at least if you can call being happy about getting infused with a toxic carpet dye early a "bright" occasion...Dr. She Who Will Not Be Named agreed to allow me access to my Novantrone elixir a few weeks earlier this time around because I am having a return of unwanted symptoms...er, a RETURN of MS, to the common folks. I am not necessarily having a relapse, per se, but more likely just a return of symptoms that were there BEFORE I had my flight into wellness from the Novantrone. Either way, I don't like them one bit and I prefer the invincible me over the whining me...I'm sure YOU do, too.
I go in this week to get my lab work done and my echocardiogram updated (still searching for my heart I imagine...it HAS been rumored to be in there somewhere...LOL) and then I'm scheduled for my 3rd Novantrone infusion on...you guessed it...FRIDAY THE 13TH!!!! Yes, I AM feeling lucky, thank you very much.
I am hoping to get caught up again on all of my daily blog reads soon. I am very certain those of you who write the blogs I read are having withdrawal from my stoopid comments! Who knows, I may even get back to replying to the comments left HERE on CHEESE as well...I've just grown tired and lazy I guess. No wait! I've just grown tired...I was lazy BEFORE this last dose of dregs from my MS.
Thanks also for the comments from you "experienced" Baclofen users...even though I have experience GIVING these type of drugs to patients, it is far different than TAKING them...and I trust the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR) almost as much as I trust our Federal government (Or are they one and the same?!? *insert evil laugh* Moohahahaha)...
you've been unofficially tagged
Mmmm ... needles.
Say WHU???? You know, I am not sophisticated enough to even know HOW to "tag" anyone...but I'll give it a try soon.
Needles? Yes...Pins? Maybe...
Sounds like a sewing club. LOL
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