The POD (Princess of Darkness) as you may recall, slipped quietly into my home last year in August after a well-meaning (at least I thought she was well-meaning at the time!) coworker convinced me to adopt a cat. NBF, my coworker (which IS what I call her, Steve! Just to clarify the secretive initials...LOL), does foster home care for the local animal shelter and she takes in cats of all ages. Last year in the summer, she had a mother and 4 kittens.
The POD wasn't necessarily the kitten NBF initially thought I should adopt. And, looking back now, I SHOULD have taken NBF's suggestion and adopted the fluffy, little rambunctious girl of the litter. But no...instead, I chose what I thought was the "touched" runt kitten...the "tard" as I fondly referred to her at the time. The quiet, little runt who didn't seem to know how to play and kept getting beaten up by her siblings...I wanted a rescue kitten after all. Not some kitty EVERYONE would jump at the chance to take home!
After only a few weeks in my home, the POD seemed to not only recuperate and come out of her "shell", but she decided I was to be under HER rule. The mental retardation ACT was discarded and, after weeks of being bullied by brute siblings, it was the POD's turn to bully someone...and since I was her only contact, she chose me. And, sadly, she has RULED my home ever since!
Since the mother and the litter were found in a ditch in Yakima, WA, on the other side of the mountains, there was no exact birth date known. The vet estimated their ages at the time and I randomly chose June 21st as the POD's honorary birthday...it IS important to have one of these...a day to celebrate one's birth with dignity and honor...the POD has already let me know there will be nothing short of a GRAND celebration in her honor today...even if she has to kill me to get it!
So, I must head soon to the CAT MECCA known as Mudbay Co. and spend every last hard-earned cent I have on cat toys, treats, and "spoiler" items to enchant and entertain the POD...lest she decide I am no longer worthy of being ignored and/or attacked by her. I am fearful for my safety should I disappoint the Spawn of Satan...LOL...
Happy Birthday to POD - our first cat (mittens) was an absolute terror, she would sit at the bottom of the stairs waiting for my sister to come down & then pounce on her, bite & hold on like a pitbull - my poor lil sis wore jeans all summer long in fear of being attacked by mittens (our very own pod!)
Happy Birdie to POD! She sounds like my mother's former cat. He'd bite her and hold on to her arm like it was coated in tuna oil every single time it was exposed! My mother took to wearing long sleeves. She has battle scars to this day.
I used to yell at him thru the webcam! LOL. I had no fear of him till I went to Texas and then I was in deep doo-doo!
I just don't get the cat... thing. I'm the guy who's very allergic to cats. So, whenever I go to someone's house, I always here, "Wow. He doesn't usually like strangers. He really seems to like you, though." This is said as the cat rubs all over my shirt, making sure that his tail gets right in my face. I really hate cats! ;)
But happy birthday to your evil, little hellspawn. I hope he has a wonderful cat day full of mayhem and misery to his minions. :)
Happy litter-day TardCat!
Happy birthday to Meha. I live with 8 cats and their favorite thing to do is sit in boxes. Maybe you could try giving her a shoe box and she will be entertained for hours! I am having a hard time typing this as my cat Tia is sitting on the typing screen wanting to be petted so gotta go! They rule here.
She does have a devil-ish look on her face.
was just checking out Saint EB's donation page & was excited to see she's over her $100 over her goal - that's fantastic!!!!!
Happy Birthday to Meha, Happy Birthday to Meha, Happy Birthday to Meha, Happy Birthday to....ummm...SOS?
I have heard all your funny stories about this little gem, and personally, I think she is just what you needed! After all, each of us needs our arses kicked every now and then to remind us just how wimpy we really are, don't you agree? =)
Happy Birthday to Devil Kitty! :) My gifty suggestion: get one o' them laser penlight things. One of my best friend's cats loves to chase the laser beam up the wall and across the floor and around and around. That cat could do it for hours!
(Now that I think about it, I wonder if Rennie would go for that trick?)
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