I don't know if it's a hormonal shift (because God knows, when the "mones" rage, the world can look pretty grim), a good night's sleep, the weather, or Mercury NOT running retrograde...whatever the cause, I absolutely LOVE this kind of day. Yes, it's true...I did NOT have to go to work today (scheduled day off). LOL But even on days off, I often don't have this "in tune" sensation...and even days at work, I sometimes GET it...go figure!
Colors appear brighter to me...smells seem more aromatic...I have enough energy and little fatigue...and the world just looks and feels like a wonderful place to be. Someone jokingly suggested perhaps it is a brain tumor or seizure disorder. LOL Always a cynic in the crowd...
On days like today, I am acutely reminded and aware of the many blessings that surround my life in spite of having Multiple Sclerosis. Good friends, good weather, a nice home, the ability to walk, a good job, running water...the list goes on and on. Problems that I turn over and over in my head on other days seem trivial and finding answers and peace become the "norm". I have had a much needed peaceful and relaxing day, in spite of myself. LOL
What I have come to KNOW and understand in my 42 (almost 43, but who's counting after 40?!?) years on this earth is this: Neither peace nor strife will last forever in my life and I must seize (there's that "seizure disorder" again) the moments of peace and run with them until I can run no more. Or, in the words I once read on an overpass in Spanaway, Washington, while driving home from a most excellent day at Mount Rainier..."Ride It Like You Stole It".
So today, I'm riding this "top of the world" feeling like I stole it...because tomorrow, I could be arrested for theft...LOL...
I like that expression :) Hope you enjoyed your day!!
interesting quote. LOL!
Glad you had a good day and I hope you have many more! :)
I am so happy you are having a great day !I love when that happens . Sometimes we forget to slow down and enjoy life !!! In the words of funny man Bob Newhart : “All I can say about life is, Oh God, enjoy it! “
It's nice when everything clicks--enjoy every moment! You have alot of blessings out there in Washington State.
Jeeze ... it almost sounds like you are in love....
What a delightful post! :-]
mdmhvonpa- do you know something I don't?
MDMHVONPA and MYELIN: Hmmm. I was thinking the same thing.
hmmmm now i am intrigued. The weight loss, the euphoria....is there something you aren't telling us?
It's one of my favorites...and it really DID come from an overpass...urban art!
Thank you, thank you! And I certainly hope some good days are in store for you also...you deserve one or two. LOL
Yep...perception is everything! Even if it might happen via rose-colored glasses...LOL
Yes, I DO have many blessings here...I imagine there are a few in Maine, too. But since I've never been there, I'm no expert. LOL
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PU LEEZE!!!! Since I document my every FART here on BrainCheese, believe me, you'd be the first to know if there were ANY kind of love interest in my life besides "self love"...LMAO
But I am flattered y'all still have hope I COULD find a love interest...seriously...LOL
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