Yep, that's my "stage name"...it is a rare occasion I give out my BIRTH name on the Internet (unless forced to in connection with a credit card and billing address). There simply doesn't appear to be a great NEED on my part for thousands of companies to have my real name and date of birth...particularly when they DEMAND it from me just to get some tiny morsel of information from their websites! Let's face it...my own SISTER has to mail me packages to my POST OFFICE MAIL BOX...even family could not find me easily!
The "other" great name I like to use when not caring or simply not wanting strangers or foe to have any identifying information about me is, "Trixie Thayer". THAT particular name came from an old game played as a teenager and now YOU get to play it, too!
The game goes like this: What would your STAGE NAME (or hooker name...however you'd like to think of yourself! LOL) be if you took the name of your first pet and combined it with the name of the first street you ever lived on or can recall (numbered streets don't count, so pick one with a name!)? For instance, my first pet was named "Trixie" and the first street name I lived on was "Thayer Avenue"...hence the name, "Trixie Thayer". Now YOU try it...Go ahead...do it now!
Oh, and please entertain ALL of us by leaving your stage name in the comments...LOL...
I would end up Panchita (our canary) Marion (Street)... Doesn't have quite the same kind of ring to it somehow. If I went with the second pet and street name it would be Toby (pup) White (Street). That would be much better IMO. :)
An excellent game and a great idea for going online. We know how very odd some people online can be and invisible is better than vulnerable sometimes.
Hope you've been having great days and sleep filled nights! I keep looking for you at 4am my time but your cat must've unplugged the puter because you're never there. LOL!
Well if we go with the official rules my name would be "Mittens Edgars" but if we go with my second pet and a few houses later I could be, "Heidi Hunter" which I reckon is WAY better :)
Mine has a cool ring to it: Honky Hollis
Well, the first dog I can remember was named Oliver. We found... her... as a stray and my mom liked the name Oliver. Go figure. So, my stage name would be Oliver Capricorn. Not bad, I reckon.
I've got a porn name... How's Maisy Glenhaven..... I think it fits with my "innocent look" LOL
I rock! Thor Sheffield! Kneel before me you pitiful mortals!
I'm not exciting enough to have a porn name but I have a GEEK name. It's Ralph Rua de Matta. I'm Britney Spear's personal dresser. :-] Can't you tell?
MDMHVONPA: Aack! That's definitely a porn name! It implies a certain...how shall I say...verility?
I rather like the first one of "Panchita Marion"...I'm thinking along the lines of a Spanish Flamenco dancer here...LOL Cha cha cha...
Pussy cat? No? LOL "Mittens" would most likely be an exotic dancer in my book...or a country western singer. LOL
Now THERE'S a stage presence!!! Again, perhaps a country western singer? I can hear the steel "gee tar" now...
One of the Chippendale Dancers, no doubt!
You probably work in a jazz club with that name...has a smooth ring to it...LOL
You frighten me in every way...LMAO!!! But "Thor Sheffield" kind of sounds like a Jewish wrestler to me...LOL
Yup...I'd go with a hair dresser or personal make up artist. But I wouldn't necessarily associate my talents with BS (Britney Spears)...shoot a little higher...like Paris Hilton or something LMAO
And he loves it! (He does seem to spawn beautiful children, however)
and you'd be right... to a point.
I'm first gen in this country, though, looking at my family objectively, there aren't any I'd say would qualify as a dancer. Maybe my Aunt in her heyday but it would still be a longshot. ;)
My Dad ended up being allergic to Panchita so she had to go. My brother and I (we were 3 and 5 at the time) tried to be helpful and pack my Dad's stuff up for him instead but he didn't like that idea... I have no clue why it should've disturbed him so badly. (evil laugh)
Happy birthday to the POD :)
Topsy Charlotte here... ;-)
This is some shi*...I'm Teddy Bear King Charles....let's move over to the next house, I can be Dakota Hollins or Ginger Hollins....
i would be Sofie Hills or Maisy hills
Penny Carbon... thats sounds horrid!
For James Brown (my name) what about "J Breezy" or "Yung Frisco" (got it from Crisco),or "Jay-B" (Jay-Z), or "J. Brain"
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