I have a very specific personal temperature range...it's called "65 degrees". Anything warmer or anything cooler just doesn't feel right in my world (yes, it IS rather a "Princess and the Pea" sort of thing!). And today, the temperature was near 70 degrees...most distressing for someone who has ONE SET of clothes I wear year round, simply layering more for colder temps and removing some for warmer (a whole OTHER issue I have about buying clothes...but I'll save that topic for another "Getting My Freak On" blog. LOL).
I arrived home tonight at 11:30PM, only to discover my home was a whopping 70 degrees inside! This caused me to resort to stripping in my living room and opening windows (seriously...this is not a "booty call" issue! It would frighten those weak at heart). I cranked on the ceiling fan I installed last spring and just lay there under the whirling blades, wondering WHAT would become of me when summer finally DOES arrive?
I shudder to think...
Now, I KNOW there are those of you who meander into BRAINCHEESE who live in the desert (ahem...Miss Chris?!?) and I really have NO room to complain compared to your yearly temperatures. But you ARE living in a desert~! I mean, that's rather expected, isn't it?!?
I seriously may have to consider getting some type of air conditioning unit installed in my bedroom this year if we are expecting another HOT summer here like last year. I'll probably get right on that just as soon as I get that nuisance "pea" removed from between my mattresses...LOL...
I had the top down on the convertible yesterday and grilled some salmon out on the patio. Doesn't take much sun for me! :)
But I have to ask, if you're getting uncomfortable at 70F, what do you do in August when it's in the 90's?
We definitely expect the heat here in the desert. A few weeks ago I added a temperature thingy to my blog for the amusement of my readers. Not that they'll laugh at how hot it is here but they'll probably thank their lucky starts they aren't here. lol
In August, I pray for a quick and easy death at 90 degrees! LOL
How did I ever miss the thermometer on your blog???? Going there now to what hell you are surviving heat-wise...LOL
If having an air-conditioning system installed in your home is a financial concern (or even if it isn't) why don't you check into all the MS National Groups to see if they have available funding to help with that--it is so essential with MS---doesn't look like it is going to be getting any cooler anywhere from now on!
Honestly...it's more of a "hassle" concern to have an AC unit put in my bedroom! I have wide-slider windows, which window units won't fit into, so I'd most likely have to have a hole cut in the wall, electrical run to it, and the unit mounted. I suppose I'd much rather "bitch" about being hot at this point! LOL
I don't know much about them, but would one of the freestanding units work for you?
I know they sell them at the Home Depot and around other places. We had to get one for mom-in-law because her apartment complex doesn't allow the window units. Better than nothing, I think.
You are such a stubborn woman! It is a no-brainer to be taking care of this now before it gets really hot. I am worried about your poor cat too. Do i need to write out a nursing care plan for you--in my day i used to be pretty tough!
Adina, if you are still there, I want to say i am sorry I told everyone my housekeeper told me she is OCD and likes to clean my tub. Well, the joke is on me--she has quit the agency so now I am in a mess here. You admitted you too liked to clean alot----any suggestions about how I should proceed? lol
Yes, I've looked into them, seriously...but the outward venting system is a problem for my bedroom. Unless I decide to just cut a hole in the wall! LOL (which I might end up doing to put a window type unit in anyway)
But thanks for the suggestion!
NO!!! A nursing care plan is an oxymoron...there is NO CARE in nursing anymore! We both know that (moohahahahaha)
Reading your defiant NO! first thing this morning to my call to write a care-plan to prevent your heat/stroke/death demise, i am left to beg you to cut a friggin hole in your wall! I don't remember nursing much--I quit to draw pictures of young kids and cats so i wouldn't have to deal with people like you! lol
Yes I am still here and before I come over ambush you in the privacy of your own abode with my mops and brushes I have one , or actually two words to your problem: Merry Maids !!!!LOL!! they work great for me …..( between driving every body nuts around me !)
Uhhh, don't laugh at me.
With my thyroid in a push/pull situation (damn those glands) and my estrogen too low (yes guys, we women DO need it even if the male surgeons like to REMOVE our ovaries for no reason!) was apparently too low so I was Mean-O-Pausing even tho the surgery was some 15 years ago... I have had the heat on during the day because I am SOOOOO COLD due to my thyroid and at night the AC is on due to being SOOOOOO HOT because my estrogen levels are too low. Go figure.
My furnace is confused. So am I.
Me thinks I could give BRAINCHEESE a run for her money for the pea under her mattress! LOL!
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