Honestly, I have not seen a profound difference in the above graphed areas...yes, I've lost a couple of pounds (without trying), my B/P has remained about the same, and sleep and fatigue are way too difficult to note having loaded myself up on Novantrone again mid "experiment". Mostly what I have learned from this ordeal is just what a weenie I am about self-control and habits. I seem to stomp about like a kid told "NO" in a candy store!
My fatigue has been considerably lower the past two days (again, Novantrone or NOT Novantrone? Who's to say...). So much lower today, in fact, I spent nearly 6 hours outside toiling in my yard...my body is now screaming at me as if I requested a miracle from it. But it felt good to break a sweat (and it was NOT hot outside either...naysayers!) and get some chores done that have been needing attention for quite some time.
I am one week post-Novantrone infusion now, so I will begin my hyper vigilant "cleanliness/stay away from germs" routine. For those of you not "in the know" about this drug, approximately 10-14 days post infusion, my blood counts are supposed to drop dramatically. What this means is, I become about a quart low on White Blood Cells, Red Blood Cells, and Platelets (just to name the biggies). The goal is to knock out many of my WBC's in hopes the little devils can't find their way into my brain and continue waging their MS war. The downside of this is, I become much more susceptible to infections (and there's always a DOWNSIDE to everything, isn't there?!?). I carry a jug of Purell around with me at all times and wring my hands in the goo like Lady Macbeth! ("Out you damn spots, out!"...OK, I may have lost some of you with that Shakespearean reference.)
Just about the time DOWNSIZE ME is officially over (there is a God), I will be at the peak of susceptibility for infection...I believe this will be the perfect time to get the new blender I bought out of the box (yes, EB...it's still in the trunk of my car!) and crank out a chocolate malt. I WILL be needing reinforcements...and refreshments,too...LOL...
Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate right now. Wait... reverse that! :)
It was pretty nice yesterday and I should have been doing yardwork myself... but didn't.
Take care of yourself. The medicine cocktails always seem to have a downside.
Your description of taking Novantrone makes me feel like I'm watching you on the Nova show! LOL!
Why thank you for the well-wishes...it was a great day in the Puget Sound area yesterday, which seem to come "hit or miss" so often here. Do you recall last year mid May when it was in the 80's for a week? Gotta get at the yard when I can and with MS and Weather combo, it's winner take all!
The "Nova Show"? What pray tell is that? Remember...I'm just a poor white girl without cable TV here...LOL
MMmmm...a chocolate malt! All of a sudden I'm having a craving!
Well, judging by the pictures of your famous "spa" advertising, YOU can afford a good chocolate malt without regard to your svelt figure. I, on the other hand, cannot...BUT I WILL!!!!
So, just for clarity... when you say malt, are you talking real malt? That's old school. My wife loves malt. I'm more a fan of malted barley, myself.
REAL Malt...the powdered kind! The "other" malt I gave up 20 years ago on a judge's suggestion. LOL
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