Where HAS all of this THYROID talk come from here on "CHEESE" of late? (I know Sherry/Have Myelin...it must suck!)
I don't have the time (or the energy) tonight to launch a thorough "thyroid" discussion, but I wanted to leave a quick note here to say, "I hear you!" I've been asked to put together a post regarding thyroid disorders, which will include (as always) some basic medical knowledge mixed with black magic...LOL
I CAN tell you there is some belief certain thyroid disorders are autoimmune related (to give a basic response to your question, JOYCE/HARKOO) and quite possibly why those of us with MS quite often have a "malfunctioning roid" (not to be confused with hemorrhoids, however...a "roid" of a different nature! LOL). I can also tell you hyper and hypothyroidism will often have accompanying psychiatric symptoms that are "thyroid" induced...but I'll talk more about that later when I find the time to research and write the "Roid Post".
Poor Marty Feldman...he was a primary example of a thyroid gone haywire. But those bulging eyes of his (caused by hyperthyroidism/Grave's Disease) DID come in handy for him in his acting career. I suppose if you have to have a disease, you might as well profit from it...
More later...
OMG! Those Feldman eyes!
My mom has thyroid issues as well- actually, she had thyroid surgery and her doctor told her (this was some 20+ years ago) if it were up to him he would test every mentally ill person to rule out athyroid disorder because it was overlooked and easily missed.
Having been to that dark hole, I believe it. Everytime I see on the side effects chart "may cause disturbances in thyroid functioning" I balk! That's why I'm loathe to take steroids.
I've hijacked your blod and now you're talking thyroids!
*doing dance of joy*
But i am the one who asked LD to write her PhD dissertation on thyroid connections with MS and Autoimmune Diseases! And to make it worse, my mom had MS and Thyroid Problems as well--20 years ago! I was a psych nurse for quite awhile. Now i will wonder if some of the problems i had were related to MS or Thyroid issues. Was i on the wrong side of the medication tray? lol
So many disorders, so little time! Yes, I will try to put together something about thyroid disease...that is if I am not in Federal Prison after my trip to Canada tomorrow!
Dissertation Schmissertation! You KNOW whatever I come up with will be filled with 1% fact, 97% folklore, and 1% pure lies! I'll get to it right after my body cavity search tomorrow when I return from Canada...LOL
Body cavity search....whatcha bringing? Anything good? Heh!
If I TOLD you what I was bringing back, I'd have to have you killed! LOL
That's what hubby said when I asked him what he did at work! LOL...
Of course he had a security clearance. Now he's one of *us*. Yippee!
Never, ever, ever again mention the word ROID in a post. I just had a traumatic shaking fit whilst reading this post, due to use of the word ROID. lmao.... Okay, so I didn't shake at all...just went into some funky 'reliving role' with that roid surgery I had. Wierd how the mention of one word can do that, eh? I'm blaming Vicodin. =)
Shake it off, Suzy Q!!! I'm talking about the ROID at the "other" end! LOL
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