"Hi. My name is Linda and I have MS."
This is where you're supposed to reply, "Hi, Linda"...that is, if we were at a REAL meeting of Multiple Sclerosis Anonymous! LOL But instead of relapsing on a "substance/alcohol", we'd all be talking about our MS relapses. And of course, at the end of OUR meeting, instead of saying, "Keep coming back it works", we'd say..."Keep coming back, it sucks!"
Today was a not-as-great-as-it-has-been day...perhaps it was merely the rainy weather (I DO live in Seattle after all) or my recent bout of restless sleep. But today, I noticed a slight sliding in of that nasty FATIGUE symptom again. And it's not just the fatigue, but also a weird kind of "dizziness" feeling that made its way into my life today...keep coming back, it sucks...
I am only just entering my 4th week of post Novantrone infusion and I had hoped the "high on life" feeling/symptom-lessening effect would have lasted longer...that ability to feel like I DIDN'T have MS anymore! Keep coming back, it sucks...
I really DO hope this sensation today is simply from being overly tired OR the rainy weather and I will still get to have a few more weeks of that wondrous place of feeling "normal" again...whatever...if my symptomology changes/worsens again, I can STILL thank my lucky stars I am getting a few weeks of reprieve from it all. And I can count the days until my next Novantrone infusion with high expectations/hope.
On a brighter note, Saint EB has been pronounced/diagnosed with a virus...she does NOT have TB (this was never an expectation) or lung cancer (this was never considered LOL) and WILL most likely be healed in a few days to begin the rigorous training schedule I am about to bestow upon her! I plan to drive along beside her bicycle in my car to provide her appropriate "training tunes" and encouragement. LOL Oh yes, she WILL ride again...
I have also noted several new donations to her goal and want to thank each of you for your generosity...Steve, Corrine, Sara, Sharon, especially. The other donors have been personally thanked with offers of my first born, etc. And since I HAVE no children, I think they are safe for the time being (although I DO have this feisty feline resting on my shoulder while I try to type this...there's an idea/destination for the Devil Kitty!).
And for those of you with MS, I hope it is comforting in some way to know these wonderful "peeps" exist out there giving toward our "cause" (and for the couple of you with MS who have made donations, "shame on you" in a completely Jewish mother chastising, yet praising your generosity way! ADINA can explain that one maybe...).
I must go now and try to run the stink and devil out of this cat as she will NOT be ignored...she is currently biting at my typing fingers to get my attention...Ouch! Will stop now while I still have fingertips...First born...remember, this COULD be yours if you donate to the BIKACIDE (that ought to keep the rest of you from considering charitable causes for the rest of your lives...)...
with an attention span of a moth , really , I think I screwed up the donation process and I donated to the team rather than directly to SaintEB….My apologies…….
SaintEB....whaaat? Where??? I'm lost! That's normal for me but *halp*.
How long is your slide and is there room for one more person at the top? If so, wait for me and I'll hitch a ride. Grrrrrr....
Have no fear...your donation has been "found"! LOL And I will let Dr. She Who Will Not Be Named know YOUR monies are not hers to claim!
Big thank you from the "team" mascot here...
You've been lost in a time warp in Texas, m' dear...it happens! LOL
Actually, it sounds as if you are not doing so well with a possible relapse and hating your Copaxone...so sorry the "suckage" is pulling at you trying to steal your joy...
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