So, in keeping with the spirit of the Ironing of the Sheets (and I STILL believe this is a "spirited" act!), I give you a small list of just a few of the items that came to mind:
1. I regularly floss my teeth in the shower/tub (I even keep the dental floss in the enclosure!)
2. I almost always watch the news on TV with the sound OFF (unless there is something of particular interest I want to hear)
3. I ALWAYS sleep with some type of fan blowing on me at night...even in the dead of winter...AND I run my heater at the same time.
4. I do not and will not carry a purse, preferring a 10 pound book bag to lug with me everywhere I go.
5. The ONLY citrus fruit I eat is orange juice...unless you can call Starburst Fruit Chews "citrus".
6. I collect the currently minted US Quarter series...but only by "chance" in change given back to me when I purchase an item (and I AM up to date with these!).
7. If given the opportunity, I prefer to eat fudge bars with a knife by slicing off thin strips from the sides until I get down to the stick.
8. Twice a year, I clean the interior of my car...with Q-Tips (there are just cracks and places I can't reach otherwise!).
9. I have a serious phobia about entering banks...I try to do this only twice a year if possible (when I buy my niece and nephew savings bonds for birthdays) and do all of my banking either via ATM or online.
10. When saving cash at home (see #9), I will IRON it (yep there's that iron again!) before placing it in an envelope so it fits nicely without "bulking" out my envelope...a thin envelope is also easier to "hide" under mattresses or behind picture frames!
11. I absolutely refuse to vomit if at all humanly possible. I will stand outside in freezing temperatures in my underwear if I have to...the drastic temp change often wards off a good puke!
12. I have clothes in my closet from over 15 years ago (and about 50 pounds lighter) that I refuse to discard because I "might" fit into them again one day (which are probably threads now!).
13. If I find a pair of shoes that fit "perfectly", I will often buy at least two pair...in brown and black.
14. I wear a rain coat year round in Seattle if a "coat" is needed...even if temps drop below freezing...I just layer more clothes underneath to stay warm (because I HATE the way bulky coats feel).
15. I prefer Stove Top Stuffing at Thanksgiving over ANY homemade stuffing (but don't tell my friends or family who might invite me over for the big meal!).
So...how's THAT for a list? Do YOU have any eccentricities that will make mine pale in comparison? Share them in the comment section...if you DARE!
Actually, I sleep with a fan on me, too. It's calming. <3
I have an eccentricity, though, as well. I can't walk farther than about ten yards with my hands full. Otherwise, I have to have it in a messenger bag (can't wear backpacks, too bulky!).
About the only real eccentricity I have is that I have an almost constant soundtrack gong on in my head. Everything I do is accompanied by some kind of music. For example, when I'm getting irritated, I shift to a form of circus music. It's hard to stay irritated when someone is acting foolish to circus music.
I have a longer list of pet peeves that trigger the circus music... a much longer list. :D
I should add that I often hum out loud without even realizing it. My wife reminds me often that other people can hear me.
Well THANK GOD there is someone else out there with "eccentricities"!!! I was beginning to think I had developed a Howard Hughes problem. LOL
OOOH, yeah...that fan at night is heaven!
Rather like the "music man" then, eh?!? And your wife should probably be thankful she has a "Hummer" versus some beat up old car...argh argh! LOL
Oh yes, the list of pet peeves is lengthy here, too. But it's OK because "I'm eccentric"...
Why does it bother me so much that Starbucks employees doublecup my coffee? ;)
I wish i had more eccentricities--i feel quite boring after reading your list. Now that i am divorced, i don't have to hide my godiva chocolates anymore--My ex used to chew those lovely pralines like they were chewing gum--no appreciation for their splendor--used to drive me nuts! And i do talk to myself outloud frequently when i am alone--i find myself very entertaining company. I get 3-dimensional too, waving my hands, shaking my head for effect! Just have to watch it when i am out in public as my family gets embarrassed if i start making these sounds when others are watching.
The Starbucks thing...I've got no idea as I think I've only been in a Starbucks 5 times in my life. And those five times were practically at gunpoint...but I can imagine the "frustration"...LOL
Oh come on, sister! Dig deeper...there's GOT to be at least one or two more eccentricities besides public self-talk! LOL And now adays, you can even get by with that if you just wear an ear bud...looks like you're talking on a cell phone then! (Many a day, I've thought I was walking next to a "loon" talking out loud...only to discover it was an animated cell phone convo...sigh...)
phew--glad you are laughing--thought i had given you enough imformation to begin commitment proceedings! I spend most of my time ALONE ;hopefully, when i get my license back, i will be able to rejoin civilization as if none of this had happened. But i still double-over at my jokes here by myself and i am still happy i don't have to hide my chocolate stash anymore from my uncouth ex.
Ahhh, but soon...very soon...you will be out there driving in again in the big world. And, unfortunately probably STILL talking to yourself! LOL
Old habits die hard...
I am obsessive compulsive .I wash my hands many, many times a day . I wake up many times during the night to check on the door being locked, stove being off etc. People close to me call me nuts , basically ! I really can not stand anybody touching my “stuff” , doing my chores etc .I go after and redo everything .
Did I mention I was married one too many times ???I wonder why ??LOL!!
And you say "OCD" like it's a bad thing?!? Personally, if it weren't for my OCD "tendencies" (an understatement, I know), I'd never get ANYTHING done! LOL
Since i am a self-proclaimed slob, i have made a big step lately. I have hired a lady to clean my house twice/month. And SHE says she is OCD and just can't stop herself from cleaning so i have a perfect mix here. Scrubbing my tub makes her happy! And i just go into the corner and talk to myself.
OMG!!! If it was your intention to have me wet myself by your last comment...well...you dayum near succeeded!
(Off now to laugh out loud in MY corner alone)
I shouldn't be spending so much time thinking about this blog today when i could be cleaning, but here is another weird thing i do: I find pleasure in writing out the check/payment for a bill the minute i get the bill in the mail. It is paid, sealed and stamped within seconds of my opening it and mailed the next day. Quarterly income taxes are filed and mailed one month before they are due. It relaxes me to send out my money to other people! Commitment papers yet Linda?
If THAT were enough to commit you, I'd have to be signing papers on myself, too! LOL
Well I'm with you on the fan thingy. I have to have it on, or I can't sleep.
Eccentricities for moi'?
1. I talk out loud while I'm shopping. No matter where. No matter what for. I speak to the items I'm looking for.
2. I am obessed about being online. If my computer is down, I'm down too. =)
3. I think I'm right all the time. Is that an eccentricity? Or just plain pathetic?
4. I have to find the quickest route to get where I'm going. I'm constantly thinking....constantly. I talk to myself....I talk to the radio DJ, I talk to no one in particular. I talk alot. Is that a disorder? LMAO
5. I share everything with my hairdresser. Okay...that's either pathetic, or really....stupid.
6. I could drink coffee all day. Another eccentricity or is it just a plain ol' addiction? I'm not sure.
7. I am woman. Hear me roar. (okay, so that wasn't an eccentricity...but I had to throw that in there.) =o)
Ta Ta My dear Friend.....
Moi' out in flippin cold chicago!
You DO crack me up, girl! (Gawd, I'm hoping your comment was meant to be funny or I'm in deep doodoo now!)
I refuse to vomit until I find someone worth vomiting on!
Oh, you sly one! I noticed you continued to comment over on AOHELL and now, ever so subtle (haha) have come to the dark side of blogger!
Haven't been to your blog in a bit, but will need to see what's ranting of late...
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