It's almost time again for a Novantrone infusion...I have been so focused on work and such the past 3 months seem to have flown by! I am scheduled to receive my second bag of blue juice this coming Friday.
Dr. She Who Will Not Be Named has already reviewed (at least I HOPE she has!) my recent lab work and echocardiogram...these are two, essential tests I will have to have run before EVERY dose of the "juice". Fortunately, the echo is painless and non-invasive and I have been poked soooo many times for lab draws and IV's, I think I have lost most feeling in my forearms! I have yet to hear from the good doctor regarding the results of my MRI last week...but I expected this to be the case.
I am working the next two days before my infusion...I seem to have developed this strange "nesting" ritual in anticipation for the Novantrone. I have to clean my home, change my sheets, get groceries, pay bills, and basically take care of any loose ends that might be hanging out before Friday...I don't exactly know WHY I feel compelled to do this...I just do! I think unconsciously, I KNOW I am a walking medical mishap and should I be rendered unconscious for any period of time (from God knows what...like infusion reactions, etc., that I am prone to), I want to return to an organized home that feels secure and inviting. Is that too much to ask for really?!? But it means I will be scurrying about the hut in the next two days to complete these tasks before work.
And just so you don't think I've weaseled out or forgotten...DOWNSIZE ME continues. Here's the latest graph as proof:

I haven't taken the time to add today's data, but let's just say I am experiencing "feminine bloating" so there's been a pound of weight put back on! Oh, I'm not proud of this...but I'll rip your head off in a hormonal fit if you say anything! Seriously...don't push me...LOL
do you feel like it's helping at all?? i am just curious , i haven't tried any chemo yet .
I hear you, girl! When my hormones are in flux...just look out! lol
Unfortunately, I think you have unleashed another blog entry with your question! Moohahahha...
I think the worst hormonal issue for me is the worsening of my MS symptoms right before my period...I always think I'm having another relapse! Of course my worst hormonal symptom for OTHERS may very well be my mood...(LOL)
I hear that blue juice has a lot of calories ...
Thanks a lot...I suppose next you'll tell me there is CAFFEINE in Novantrone!!! LOL
I hear you too girl! One time, like a few days before my period or what ev... i found myself beating my husband with a hairbrush! I woke up the next morning not knowing what I'd done, and he called me from the hospital with a broken pelvis and severe internal bleeding. Wait.. what's this blog about?
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