The phone rings, I note the caller ID of "private" and answer, knowing it is one of three people I know who call my super secret number with their own blocked line. The laughter traveling across the phone wires is almost contagious...
It is my long time mentor/friend/partner in crime of weird humor calling to tell me NPR has just run a "hi-larius" program of Weekend America, all centered around...get this...PEEPS! If you don't believe me, here's the link and you can check it out yourself: http://weekendamerica.publicradio.org/programs/2007/04/07/a_peep_in_every_dish.html
The radio show was/is about cooking with PEEPS...I have to say, some of the recipes on the website remind me of MDMHVONPA'S ill-fated SPAM recipes he was running on his blog a few months back (link: http://mdmhvonpa.blogspot.com/2007_01_01_archive.html )...I didn't try his SPAM recipes either! LOL
There are several links on the Weekend America site within the PEEP article that are funny, if not down right insane. For instance, there's a website link devoted to "PEEP Haiku"...just between you and me (**I say with a whispering voice and my hand to the side of my mouth**), I think PEEP Haiku goes a bit above and beyond devotion. In my state of residence, one could find themselves doing hard time in the mental hospital for that! LOL (But I KNOW you'll want to "peep" in on the site, so here's that link as well: http://www.peephaiku.com/ )
I leave you now with my final PEEP reference...PEEPS Pink Floyd: The Wall. Had this video been around in the 80's (when we all had Eighty's hair and thought the movie, "Pink Floyd: The Wall", was revolutionary), I'm certain it would have been a big hit...(NOT!):
It is my long time mentor/friend/partner in crime of weird humor calling to tell me NPR has just run a "hi-larius" program of Weekend America, all centered around...get this...PEEPS! If you don't believe me, here's the link and you can check it out yourself: http://weekendamerica.publicradio.org/programs/2007/04/07/a_peep_in_every_dish.html
The radio show was/is about cooking with PEEPS...I have to say, some of the recipes on the website remind me of MDMHVONPA'S ill-fated SPAM recipes he was running on his blog a few months back (link: http://mdmhvonpa.blogspot.com/2007_01_01_archive.html )...I didn't try his SPAM recipes either! LOL
There are several links on the Weekend America site within the PEEP article that are funny, if not down right insane. For instance, there's a website link devoted to "PEEP Haiku"...just between you and me (**I say with a whispering voice and my hand to the side of my mouth**), I think PEEP Haiku goes a bit above and beyond devotion. In my state of residence, one could find themselves doing hard time in the mental hospital for that! LOL (But I KNOW you'll want to "peep" in on the site, so here's that link as well: http://www.peephaiku.com/ )
I leave you now with my final PEEP reference...PEEPS Pink Floyd: The Wall. Had this video been around in the 80's (when we all had Eighty's hair and thought the movie, "Pink Floyd: The Wall", was revolutionary), I'm certain it would have been a big hit...(NOT!):
Jeepers, creepers ... where did you get them peeps!
Errrs...Just thought I'd finish your comment! LOL
Happy East Errrr...
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