I have to apologize up front for this post...I think I'm sooo wound up about the Congressional hearings over the Virginia Tech Campus Shootings, I'm feeling a bit "fanatical" myself!
But, for those of you who actually saw this movie, "Jesus Camp", did anyone else catch the very subtle indoctrination of the children regarding abortion and prolife images? Hmmm...I certainly did!
If you look at these stolen pictures from the movie and recall the part of the film where the kids are being introduced to "fetuses", you will note they are being handed what they've been told is a "baby at seven weeks old". Here's the picture of the handy-dandy visual tools the camp leaders were using:

Now, here's a REAL picture of a seven-week old fetus:

Do you see any similarities AT ALL between these visual aids and the real picture? No? I didn't think so! These children are being told that a seven week old fetus looks JUST LIKE A "MINI ME" SIZED BABY!!!!!!! And THIS is not plain, old use of propaganda?!? I rest my case.
I'm not arguing for or against abortion here...I'm just sayin', if you're GOING TO ARGUE one way or the other, have the decency to give factual information! Especially to children...who's little eyes and ears are watching our every move.
After all, didn't Jesus tell us to "speak the truth"?...
I haven't warched the movie yet and maybe i'll stay away from it,for the sake of whatever sanity i have left in me...i don't want to lose it and start yelling at otherwise innocent people.....(my son and my partener are my first victims LOl)
I did not "see" that the fetuses were childlike; rather, I was focusing on the background where they were waving life-sized cardboard cut-outs of Bush to make a subliminal political suggestion to the children in their most impressionable years.
WARNING--"Jesus Camp", the movie...may solidify your Jewish beliefs...
I'm not even TOUCHING the life-size replica of George (pronounced Whore-hay) Bush they brought out so the kids could pray to "him"...
I'm French, and I saw the movie. In fact, next Friday, I'm going to introduce the subject to my class, as a "Burning issue". Actually, I was really shocked by this movie, and I wish this wont arrive in France to quickly... I hope for you that it wont be spread to much in the US, because I think that those people can be really dangerous !
wow, thats crazy. good catch
I dont know how anyone can look at the real 7 week pict. and not see that as a 'mini me'. I think the point in the movie must have been to show the size and get the point across that this IS a BABY! The real 7 week pict. clearly shows a baby... and for anyone who thinks any different... i pray for you!
i'm obese. i work at walmart and drive a wax machine at 2 o'clock in the morning through the isles. and i also saw the movie.
hi. i am obese and i drive a wax machine through walmart on the 2am shift. i saw the movie, it was gross. i have been praying for all the little feti of the world red and yellow black and white they are precious in his sight. GOD SAVE THEM!!!!
Jesus H. Christ on a cross. I watched Jesus Camp for the first time tonight and almost threw up. Thank God I had a generous supply of rum to get me through it!!
Yeah, I saw the documentary Jesus Camp several times and pass it on to everyone I know. In my opinion the indoctrination of children under the age of 10 is not subtle AT ALL.
It seemed that the psychological manipulation of children by telling them that man lived with dinosaurs and other creationist tales was also in their mission. I just hope that someone can help with the de-programing of these poor children before it's too late for them.
First of all, your photo actually shows a 9-10 week fetus, not a 7 week. You can tell by the fact that individual finger digits are visible, which doesn't happen until late the the first trimester. To see a seven week fetus (which was lost through surgery due to an ectopic pregnancy), go to http://www.flickr.com/photos/euthman/304334264/.
Second of all, the fetus at 7 weeks is the size of a blueberry, not the size of someone's palm, and it looks much like every other mammalian embryo and has very few visible "human" charactersistics.
The ignorance of human gestation is a huge part of anti-abortion advocates. They always show pictures of fetuses much later in gestation in the hopes people will make a "connection" to its form and be outraged.
The problem is that most fetuses aren't aborted at 7 weeks. Many, many of them are aborted at 10, 12, 22 weeks and later. Whether you choose to believe it or not, the word of God says that before we were in our mother's womb, God knew us. I've seen Jesus Camp and although I'll agree that some of the issues were taken on in a fanatical manner, I thought it was a good video, and I'm glad that there are still adolencents who are willing to embrace the power of God and stand up for their faith. That is lacking in so many of our American adults that it was refreshing to see that being taught. Remember this: it's very easy to disagree with or "knock" something (for lack of a better term) that you don't fully understand.
You are totally missing the point, a child doesn't have to look like a child to be a child. I have listed below some expert testimony on when a humas being becomes a human being.
Expert Testimony, Life Begins at Conception
A United States Senate judiciary subcommittee invited experts to testify on the question of when life begins. Here are some of the experts testimony given at the hearing. All of the quotes below come directly from the official government record of their testimony 1.
Professor Hymie Gordon, Mayo Clinic: “By all the criteria of modern molecular biology, life is present from the moment of conception.”
Professor Micheline Matthews-Roth, Harvard University Medical School: ‘It is incorrect to say that biological data cannot be decisive…It is scientifically correct to say that an individual human life begins at conception….Our laws, one function of which is to help preserve the lives of our people, should be based on accurate scientific data.”
Dr. Watson A. Bowes, University of Colorado Medical School: “The beginning of a single human life is from a biological point of view a simple and straight forward matter—the beginning is conception. This straight forward biological fact should not be distorted to serve sociological, political, or economic goals.
I went to learn about this because i myself has had an abortion. the proteters showed me pictures and said i would hate myself i have not seen the moviehould not give false imformation but you are right. these people should give the right reseerch. it is not right to teatch with fals trurhs. i was afraid but i am 17 still in school and the fathers is no good. i am not against it i used to be until i was put into this situation. thank you. it is about time someone showed the truth.
The point is, the infoemation shown in this film is misleading, and should not be shown to children, who are very impressionable. I'm not arguing for or against abortion, but i beleive that informative and accurate information should be placed before our youth, rather than some biased propoganda that takes away their ability to form and inedpendent opinion. A life is a life, whether it looks human or not, but the fact that this is trying to show that through such biased and untruthful methods is sickening.
"The problem is that most fetuses aren't aborted at 7 weeks. Many, many of them are aborted at 10, 12, 22 weeks and later. "
You're wrong, anon.
88% of abortions occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Over 60% of those occur before the first 9 weeks of pregnancy.
Less than 1% of abortions occur after week 21 and those are in the realm of medical necessity--either for the woman's health or for the mercy of the fetus which has such a bad deformity it will not survive beyond birth and will have no quality of life. (http://www.aheartbreakingchoice.com/)
You can find those stats here:
Women don't sit around twiddling their thumbs waiting to abort and they don't become pregnant just so they can abort.
wow, ... i dunno what this jesus camp thing is. i just miscarried a 7 week old HUMAN BABY and was looking for images... anyhow, u people who think that just cuz it doesnt look 'human' at 7 weeks makes it ok to kill him or her...yes kill, murder, stop a HUMAN heart from beating- are willfully selfish and ignorant. i dont care if u think my gramma looks like a raisin, u cant eat her. and just cuz a baby doesnt look like one at his earliest stages of development, doesnt make it ok to destroy it, and call it a blob. its a life...a human one. cherish it.
I think it's even more imhumman to bring a life into a world and one is not ready or financially stable to raise the child. Raising a kid is not easy, it's a lifelong commitment. So folks, contraception is very important if u don't wanna have children. And I don't believe anyone has the right to impose their moral beliefs or values on anyone. It's up to the individual to make their own decision whether to abort or keep the child
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