Friday, April 06, 2007

A Good Man...

Today is the last day of "work" for my friend and boss, DP. I've really only known DP for the past 7 years, but during this short time, I have felt as if he is a kindred spirit of sorts.

DP has "health issues"...who DOESN'T in this day and age?!? But his health and illnesses have taken a steady and chronic turn...he is "retiring" today on disability. He's not old enough to officially retire, but I'd like to think his absence from the daily grind of working will bring him some "retirement" and rest.

Because I'm also living with a chronic and unpredictable illness, DP's retirement has especially touched a chord in my heart. It stirs up personal fears of self-reliance and pulls at strings of sadness with a sweet song of vulnerability. But for the grace of God, go I...and at any time in my life, my path could look quite similar to DP's.

I'm hoping we will not lose touch with one another, but I know this is only a "hope" lives change and paths detour, it takes considerable effort to stay connected and to reconnect. I will try my best to maintain our tentative bond...I only hope he may have the strength to do so as well.

I don't believe DP reads BrainCheese (and if you do, well...damnit Jim! You're no longer my boss so don't come whining to me about what I write about you!)...but even so, I wanted to take pause today to honor this good man and wish him well...


This song's for you, Fat B-Turd (no alarm's an inside and personal pet name!)...


mdmhvonpa said...

It's tough to keep up the good fight when those around you seem to be throwing in the towel.



Hmmm...I guess I should be thankful I still have a towel to throw if I wanted to!

But I'm still standin'...LOL