But seriously...I'm really looking forward to meeting those of you who can make it into the chat room at your appropriate corresponding time zones on Saturday...and quite honored, too. Y'all have been such a wonderful community of support for me over the past two years...let's have some fun getting to know one another on a different level, networking and...well...just have some fun!
And by Saturday, I should be quite "loose" from the steroid insomnia...just a warning...or a sad statement of reality. I had my last dose of 3 Solumedrol's today...gait is somewhat better and my left leg has now become an aching LOG, which I think is progress, right?!? I mean, the symptom of pins/needles/nerve-y sensations is much better and I can now at least step DOWN on my foot without wanting to jump UP into the air...progress...ah...LOL My balance is still concerning me...but only when I'm not walking directly in front of a bar...then, the public expects it. And I "miss" that bar gait when in front of a pub...heck, lately I've been missing that warm feeling of DRUNK since I stopped touching the spirits 20 years ago! MS sure does bring out the best in me, eh?
Must go now and appease the Princess O' Darkness with my undivided attention...it's not that she really misses me when I am at work for the day...she just believes I should miss HER more...
Are you a Green Bay Packer fan?
Thanks for sharing *smile*
chat room? i guess i need to catch up here. i hope you have a wonderful easter weekend!
Those are some great MRI photos. Very distinct light bulbs you got there.
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