And, as I understand it, I am to follow the same rules posted below...
The Rules: By accepting this Excellent Blog Award, you agree to award it to 10 more people whose blogs you find Excellent Award worthy. You can give it to as many people as you want but please award at least 10. You deserve this! Feel free to recognize blogs that have already received this award.
Mkay...here goes!
10. Living With MS
And this concludes my MS-themed "E" for Excellence Awards...man, that took a lot out of me pasting all of those links! All y'all better give 'em a click and check out their blogs for my "E" for Effort here...
I'd like to thank the academy, and my mom, and.....lol.
thank you....now to get to work.
you like me! you like me!
sally field
p.s. of course you're the best! :D cheese is good!
OMG! An actual E for Effort Award!
Thank you, thank you.
Now where do I get a logo like that to put on my blog?
Will wonders never cease? The chain letter, chain email has been transformed! Tricky, tricky Brain Cheese, including my sight in there even though it's not really a blog and writing in your final paragraph 'my MS-themed "E" for Excellence Awards' to get yourself off the hook. lol Okay, now I have to go design another award special for non-blogs that are MS-themed so that I can post my award on my site. Will you do the honours of re-awarding me? lol
Stay inspired!
Expand your mind ~ visit Brain Angles
I get an award after standing you up at Cheese Chat yesterday? Are you taking lessons from my mother in how to make me feel guilty? LOL I less than three you, (in a blogger to blogger kinda way), BC!
Thanks! Now to go find 10 to give it to. Can I copy and paste your list? No, wait, I'm on the list and then I'd have to keep doing it and doing it in a perpetual award bestowment cycle. Better find 10 of my own.
Hey, Thanks!!
Linda, you rock :) Now I just have to figure out how to post the award... ain't it fun being green!
Oh! And while I'm here... I found out what your name would mean in Japanese :)
I'm honored! It's always nice to be recognized!
Just called in to say "Hi". I came over from Nervus Rex who kindly bestowed an E award on me! Come over and say hello.
Love your blog. You have more than two readers! There's me now!
I would like to thank BrainCheese, aka Linda from some far away place called Oz,er, I mean the Emerald City. oh, er I mean Seattle; the academ...wait...you didn't give me an award...wait...you gave me for dealing with sh&*. oops, excuse my shrinking MS brain, CONGRATULATIONS on your award. I'm gonna send you one to send to TWENTY of your 110+ bloggers! Get ready!
I had no idea I would be receiving this award (sniffling). I did not come prepared (removing speech from my bra), but I like to thank Brain Cheese aka Linda and my fellow MS bloggers, Brass and Ivory, Multiple Synchronicities (and sclerosis), Stellar Life, Brain Angle (music playing to hurry it up), oh wait wait, my husband, daughters, grand son, and my dog (Shelly) you all inspire me to fight the ups and downs of MS...Thank You
Thank you. I really never feel like my blog is anything compared to everyone elses out thee. It is nice to get kind words.
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