ME: I know I ask a lot of you...but if you get a chance today, will you pull up my MRI I just had done at (**CENSORED...to protect the innocent**)? I know I only play a doctor on the Internet, but I "think" my noggin might be lighting up again (yes, I have a copy CD)... :-( Been really wrong before, so would like a "professional" opinion...
Dr. SWWNBN: Just got your report back – you are lighting up; I’m not happy. Where are we with tysabri?
ME: You think YOUR not happy?!? LOL Could this be why I'm having such a rough go of it/relapse right now and cannot walk a straight line? And, BTW, I TOLD you I wasn't doing so hot/wasn't "right in the head" these days. (Clinging to my Internet Doctor Badge)
I don't know where we are with the Tysabri...(*CENSORED**) might know. I just completed all of the prereq's today that you ordered on 2/14.
I don't know where we are with the Tysabri...(*CENSORED**) might know. I just completed all of the prereq's today that you ordered on 2/14.
And, as I said in the previous post...I DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' NEUROLOGIST! Just maybe a new brain...sigh...
Oh Linda,
I'm so sorry. It sounds like you've been through so many of the drugs to try to slow this thing down. I hope that they get you on the Tysabri schedule soon. Maybe it will help. In the meantime, continue on with playing the internet doctor. Much appreciated.
Maybe instead of finding a new neurologist for myself I can use you and your MD of internet medicine? After all, it seems clear to me that when we put our 2 heads together we blow the neuros right outta the water with our vast knowledge. Sucks for them!
Sorry to hear about the "Lighted Christmas in March" but somewhere along the line, we internet docs knew that car accident was gonna mess ya up.
Hopefully your SWNBN will move you up on Tysabri list and get you going sooner.
Hugs, Anne
oh...lighting up is not good....
Hi Linda,
You and your doctor are wondering " Where are we with tysabri?"
Might I suggest that you contact your Tysabri Case Manager at MSActiveSource (1-800-456-2255) and ask them if you're enrollment forms have been received, processed, you are in their database system, and all confirmations and authorizations have been completed by your Case Manager.
If you do not receive a satisfactory response/answer from them, I would then suggest that you ask to speak to a "Team Manager". The Team Managers oversee/supervise the Tysabri Case Managers.
I hope this helps in some small way, and I hope that you start to feel better very soon.
All my best, Lauren
I worry about lighting up after going for MRI. I am sorry about yours. Stay strong.
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