Yep, the Solumedrol whirl wind tour is upon me...5 pounds packed on in 4 days, in spite of my best effort to limit my ravenous appetite and take in mostly protein items of nourishment. I'm limiting myself to protein because, as is typical, my glucose is rapidly jumping to new heights...just another wonderful side effect of high dose Solumedrol. I find when I hit the 300 markers (normal blood sugars range anywhere between 60 - 120, depending on what range the lab is currently using and MINE is normally within this range on a good day), I suffer from the dreaded "Three P's" of hyperglycemia: Polyuria (peeing like a race horse), Polyphagia (eating like a race horse), and Polydipsia (drinking like a camel after a Sahara crossing)...not to mention the nausea and tremors that accompany this phenomenon. Fortunately THIS time around (and being far wiser than Dr. SWWNBN, if I must say so myself! Harumphf), I started myself on prophylactic potassium supplement as I NOTORIOUSLY suffer a substantial drops in my K+ and Calcium levels...which only creates a whole NEW set of interesting side effect dynamics.
The Soly does seem to be making some minor "adjustments" for me finally into my 4th day of dosing...I am experiencing a bit less pain in my right leg/butt and having MORE pins and needles affect in my left leg...considering the fact this leg has been basically NUMB for a week, I imagine ANY feeling returning must be a good thing (or heading toward amputation...either way...symptom will be gone! LOL). The insomnia side affect seems to also be responding well to my velvet hammer of high dose Klonopin at night...so far, no naked psychosis running down the street issues. Over all, I'd have to say I'm getting a bit better...finally...thank Gawd...
I DID finally purchase a second cane (walking with two now) for balance support and this seems to be quite the cat's meow for unsteady ambulation...fortunately, I had an "extra" cane cover laying around to match the one I made previously for my OLD cane...wouldn't want to travel with miss-matched canes now, would I?!? I mean, it's one thing to be a GIMP and another to be a CLASSY GIMP...I'm going for stylish. Even if it probably IS quite Hi Larry Us to onlookers, watching me negotiate my legs with my arms...whatever...
So there's the Soly report...about all I can muster up with my gnat-like attention span that is even further limited by the rev affect of steroids...you'd think I could get some housework done with all of this energy...but it's kind of hard to push a vacuum with two canes, a cat underfoot, and no REAL footing to begin with! Woe is me and my ever-trashed out hut...sigh...
Romba when ye can't rumba! POD will adore it. (If cat comes up missing, reomve Romba lid and insert cat in washer for 10 min. on medium.//10 min on low in dryer.)
Glad the solumedral is starting to work for you. The last few times my hubby had it, seemed like it didn't do anything for him (other than the usual 5lbs, amazing thirst, and chronic assholitis that comes with it). He really should use a cane because he's so unsteady but vanity prevails and so instead he just staggers around. Previously when experiencing the wooden leg syndrome (totally numb paralyzed leg) he would use his walker until he could move the leg again but this loss seems permanent and he refuses to use a cane permanently. He would rather do things like fall flat on his ass or trip and fall into the flower bed and break 3 ribs on the landscaping timbers. Personally I'd rather use a cane, but that's just me. :)
So hang in there and ignore the dirt, it will still be there next week is my motto! ;-)
And yes please do continue to visit my blog, I love readers and I really love commenter's! :)
hey there...i have been sick with flu...sorry i haven't been around to visit. i have never been on the solumedrol...is that how you spell it? it sounds like it takes a toll on you.
know anything about UTIs? i think i have one now but when i went to the gyne the pee test didn't show much but some leukocytes? what are they? anyways...stop by my blog and tell me all that you know about such things...it would be greatly appreciated.
Soooooo... then you're feeling better?
My mother in law walked with two canes for many years and did really well with them. 15 years later, and she's using one of those walker jobbers.
Hang in there.
That's the bummer about the steroids...if you could, you'd clean the house twice....
By the way, hate to tell you this but amputation may not make the buzz go away...ever heard of phantom pain?
Several years ago, I kept my cane in the car...rarely needed it. but when the car was stolen the third time, it and the cane were gone forever. Funny story I'll tell sometime about the car being stolen so often....
I do hope you get back to your "normal" soon. The jury is still out with me on using Solu. On one hand I don't think it shortens the duration of a flare and the side effects are damning. On the other hand, I worry about not using solu to put a halt to the myelin munching that might make more permanent damage to some of my favorite nerves.
In either case...don't worry about the house, just take care.
sorry about the weight gain....
And here I am thinking I have been having a rough time. IMO, Solu-Medrol is a wonder drug when MS rear its head. Feel better soon! I am slowing getting there with all I have going on in my life right now.
So you're experiencing all the regular Soly side effects. Sounds about right. I usually need insulin only during IV days for high blood sugar (300 plus) then it stabilizes within a week or so.
I hope you are feeling better soon,
OMG! Why haven't I thought of that before?? Moohahaha...
Love your blog AND the connection w/ your hubby's MS...although I'm sure he's not thrilled about that connection.
Will be watching to see what you decide to do with your promotion issues...
ANYTIME someone gives me permission to spout my voodoo medicine background, I am so there...left you a comment...hope you are feeling better by now (without my limited medical knowledge!)
Thanks, Steve. You're always an inspiration AND you make me laugh so...which really IS sometimes the ONLY medicine worth taking.
Would LOVE to hear the car theft stories...if they don't cause you too much PTSD, that is!
Yeah...whatever "normal" is...which may not be in my best interest either!
When are you going to start painting those flamingo's???
Oh, I don't think you can be HALF as sorry as I am about the weight gain...what took 10 weeks to lose only takes one week to gain. Simply NOT fair in my book...
Here's to seeing us BOTH improve and conquer the world!
Thanks for the well wishes...yes, I too would "do" the insulin, but since I know it's only temporary sugar high, I just ride it out. Today (two days post last infusion) my B.S. is down to 94 fasting (and that's blood sugar not bull shit for those of you wondering what "B.S." is!), so I'm stabilizing in that category.
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