I like to think of myself as a "kind" person who's not afraid to say things just because it might leave a bad taste in my mouth...some of my favorite bloggers follow in this same vein...fearlessly speaking their truth(s) because some things just NEED to be said. It's the old, "if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and swims like a duck, it's probably a DUCK!" motto (you can substitute the word "manure" in that analogy, too...sort of). Just tell it like it is...for me...for you. The truth doesn't hurt...lies and false promises do. And if I "offend" you in my tongue wagging, I can offer you this: The world is a big place. Take two steps back, turn the page, surf another site, do whatever you need to do to be happy...I genuinely WANT you to find happiness. The same goes for me...if YOU say something I take offense to, I don't have to READ you. I can change the channel, align myself with those that only support MY ideas, etc.
Well...I certainly couldn't be left out in the creativity process of BLOGGING AWARDS, so I've come up with my own, SPECIAL award for a handful of you fearless bloggers out there! And I'd like to present the "I'm Just Sayin' Smells Like Bullsh*#" award to the following 5 bloggers (because 5 is an easy number to cut and paste!)...who make me smile, laugh, think, and generally speak their wisdom/truths that resonate inside the deep well I call my conscience:

Steve's BJJ Blog (non-MS, non-BS, too!)
Please feel free to pass this "award" on to anyone YOU see fit...there are so many of you, so little time!
I too, have been "blessed" with PINK EWWWWW awards recently, given with love...but MY GAWD I HATE PINK. Oh great ball of cheese,brain cheese, what to do? Oh CRAP! AGAIN WITH THE STEAL A CAR! Ah, but this award--I L O V E!!!!!!!!!! (If only I cn figure out how to...er...downdump,no/no. downLOAD it!) Thank you Thank You Thank You...how do I not insult my other friends? Tact is not my strong suit...hold it...hold it...CRAP!!! FOILED AGAIN! WHAT CAR CAN I STEAL?? sigh
awww well aren't you as sweet as sassafras! thank you so very kindly...now this is an award i can accept!
Braincheese, I think I love you--in a total 2 women riding their motorized wheelchairs down the hill of life kind of way, not the, "let's set up housekeeping together" way. I think we were guinea pigs in a science lab together in a past life. Blindbeard
Hey, thanks! This is fantastic. I can totally get behind this award. Wait... now that I think about it, this is one award that I'll stay in front of. The backside smells like bullsh*#! :D
I'm going to have to consider to whom I should pass this on. What a burden!
More awards and wonderful community. :)
steve, true that, now we have to CHOOSE among many deserving bloggers...I may have an idea, came to me in a dream last night.
Thanks, brain.
I'm gonna have to stick my award on my blog! WHOOT!
I'm so blessed.
I bow to your razor sharp ability to cut through the BS...
And it was given with the utmost sincerity! Seriously...
Feeling is mutual...in a totally two-women-sitting-at-the-mall-mocking-others kinda way!
You DO make me laugh so...I'm not always sure you MEAN to, but you do!
Heya Jim! Nice to see you here...I cruised over to your blog this weekend (lurked) and fell in LOVE with that beeboppin headphone cat you have there!
Anything for you...well almost anything...LOL
How is the quilt coming along?
I'm sure it's on purpose at least part of the time. :)
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