Note the time...yep, steroid insomnia!
I've become very lazy once again about responding to the profound comments y'all are leaving here on CHEESE, but I haven't missed one yet...it seems there is a "demand" (LOL) of at least ONE of my two readers for me to arrange a CHEESECHAT time so that folks will know when to sign in to BrainCheese (or avoid it!) and then sign into the chat room on the side bar.
Well, your prayers (or curses) have been answered...on somewhat short notice, let's give Saturday, March 22nd, at 10:00AM a first round try. I know weekends are not necessarily a "good" pick, especially for those of you who actually HAVE lives...but this time fits in the CHEESE schedule and, after all, it IS all about me! So, if you are around on Saturday at 10:00AM PACIFIC TIME (this means adding an hour to YOUR time zone for each zone heading east of Washington State...MNT Time=11:00AM; Central Time=12:00PM; Eastern Time=1:00PM, and so on,,,folks in Europe, Aussies, you're on your own figuring this one out!). Just click on the "Talk Amongst Yourselves" link at the top header on the side bar, and you'll be directed to a sign in page that will ask you for a screen name you'd like to use for the chat room...you can make something up clever or simply sign in with the name you use to leave comments (so we can all recognize YOU). You will have to leave a brief word or description in the box immediately below your sign in name...leave as much or as little as you'd like here. I'll be signed in as BRAINCHEESE, with "ADMIN" in my description at 10:00AM PST. I'll simply hang out there for a half hour or so to see if anyone has made it in...after that, I'm outta there, understanding that I am the ONLY one without a life on a Saturday morning! Oh, and you will need to be running Java Script on your computer to be able to see the chat room...just a thought.
After Saturday's attempt at chat, I'll try another time next week during the week...I'm thinking Wednesday, March 26th, 10:00AM PST again...same protocol for signing in, same time zones for all y'all as the Saturday chat. Let's keep it simply, eh? LOL I'll also post the next scheduled chat time on the side bar above the "Talk Amongst Yourselves" link...It's really the only place I can conveniently change things for everyone to follow.
I am not quite certain how this post will look when I publish it as I am typing from my recently gifted (yes, I DID say "gift" as in FREE! And y'all KNOW how I love FREE stuff!!!) Macintosh iBook laptop in bed. My old HP laptop bit the dust some time ago, so I have been having to post everything from my work horse desk top for many months. I am not used to the Apple ways of life (have always used Windows Operating System...sigh), so I am quickly trying to familiarize myself.
You're probably wondering how in the world I received a FREE iBook aren't you? Well, in my continuing efforts to protect the innocent, suffice it to say I have also been gifted with a number of WONDERFUL people in my life...most I refer to as dear friends. And, one of these "wonderful people" recently upgraded their laptop, deciding to "gift" me their OLD version...knowing I have been spending far too many days at home of late wasting away in Relapseville...searching for my lost shaker of salt (sorry, earworm to "Margaritaville"!) And now my tribute to a Budlite commercial..."I love you, man!" Seriously...thank you. You know who you are...
So, I'm going to hit the Blogger Publish bar soon and see what happens...I notice I am not able to change fonts or do much editing at all of posts from the iBook...I may be getting out of bed ANYWAY and heading into the office to "edit"...hate to though. The Princess O' Darkness will hear me awake at 4:00AM and believe it is time to FEED her! And, if I don't respond to her demands, she will then attempt to dismantle me...piece by piece...starting with my legs. I only hope she gnaws off my LEFT leg first...I've grown pretty tired of dragging it around with me anyway...LOL...
Thanks for the nice words (I think they were words) over at Multiple's place. I'll be back. You're a funny person!
I created a name and signed in last week when you first created the chat room.
No body showed up.
It is not nice to give a party and then not show up! LOL
I'll be there Saturday.
I shall do my best to be there Saturday. Looking forward to some Cheese Chat!
Chattin' about Gorgonzola? Or maybe Swiss or Cheddar? How about Cottage?
If I can remember long enough to show up, I'll be there. At first I was subtracting hours instead of adding them to get eastern time (duh) and thought you were nuts to think I'd get up that early to expound on Feta.
Now that I know the real time, I might actually remember to be there....with a big cheesy grin on my face wearing one of those Cheesehead hats. (Kinda like Parrothead hat for Buffett, only different).
I'll do my best to set my alarm clock...2 PM Atlantic on a Saturday is prime nap time...lol.
I'll try to be there.
(Why should Shauna get all the glory? :-)
1:00 PM New York time. I should be able to make it.
Hi, I apologize for the 'form' letter but it is the easiest way to pass word most quickly.
I am thrilled with the response to the MS Blogger project started at my blog, Brass and Ivory. I appreciate all those who took time to post about it on their blogs. I have discovered even more bloggers who have MS, whether they blog about the MS or not. A new listing is available at MS Blogger Community Project Revised.
Secondly, I'm looking for submissions for next week's Carnival of MS Bloggers. Information can be found at the end of each issue archived at Carnival of MS Bloggers. What I'm looking for this week are posts related to creativity. I discovered so many new bloggers who quilt, or knit, or crochet, or write, or photograph, etc. Basically, what do you do to express yourself?
Thank you so much for participating.
Lisa Emrich
P.S. I also apologize for any increased 'spamming' of blog comments due to my growing linklist of bloggers with MS. For that I am sincerely sorry.
Ya know, trying to set up a username is crazy. I kept getting rejected...already used. I'll try & be there. I have alot of stuff to do before Sunday. I am now having a house full of family. Wouldn't have it any other way.
Chat java/CHEESE CHAT allows you to establish a new chat room user name anytime you sign in to it..it's not an actual screen name that you must comply with rules of typical sites...you can sign in as "stink" or "your first name" or anything you desire and I'm pretty certain the chat room will allow you access...although those that are already IN chat at the time may wonder who the hell you are if you sign in as "stink"...LOL
If you are free at the time tomorrow, just type in anything in the user/sign in box and anything in the descriptive box below it...I am quite certain you will be allowed access in~if you're brave enough or crazy enough to try.
I'll jump in if I can!
I didn't make it. Sorry :(
DOH!! I wandered around all day thinking..."there's something I was going to do today...what was it??"
Never did occur to me until just now as I visit the most cheesalicious blog of all (spell check just busted a spring on that one).
Repeat after me: "Sticky notes are our friends." Mine's going right on the monitor or written backwards on my forehead. I'll be there next time.
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