I awoke this morning (after a seriously drugged night of sleep) with a throbbing pain in my shingled forearm...unbeknownst to me, sometime in the night, my "patch" had developed a serious edematous condition and what looked like the possibility of beginning infection/cellulitis. Curses! I had hoped (somewhat unrealistically anyway) I might be well enough/recovered enough to return to work on Friday WITHOUT Dr. She Who Will Not Be Named blessing...but it was appearing my "recovery" was taking a bit of a set back. Or at least a step back.
Fortunately for me, the good doctor was not available today and I communicated with her minion on call...we arranged for a reasonable compromise to attempt to send me back to work on Monday while "observing" my latest arm development and monitoring for increased signs of infection. The good news (two steps forward) is, the pain in my right ear is all but gone now, my throat pain is considerably lessened and only a "scratchy" voice remains, AND the RLS symptoms in my LEFT leg are diminishing (thank GAWD!). For whatever reason, the intense foot pain I developed yesterday in the ball of my right big toe when I step down remains, but not as sharp...so this is also a "good" thing. My fatigue level even seems somewhat improved (or at least it has since I awoke from my unprecedented NAP).
And now, this evening, after putting ice packs on my arm "patch" throughout the day, resting, and futzing away an entire day, the shingle area appears to be returning to normal..."normal" for having shingles, that is. LOL The redness is decreasing as is the localized pain...it appears my efforts to AVOID a serious infection have paid off and I am quite pleased to report this. The only somewhat discouraging news to report this evening is the fact my LEFT ear now seems to want to have attention with some congestion and pain...fortunately, this is NOT shingles pain and most likely just that...congestion.
I have taken the time to read many of your blogs throughout the day (when I wasn't napping or staring into space while drooling) and many of you are writing some really inspiring posts (and hats off to you, Joan , for taking such a big step today!)...I really appreciate each of your WRITINGS...selfishly, it has given me something to do and kept my mind off my own troubles! LOL I'm hoping to get back to your posts tomorrow, reread, and hit the comment sections as I know sometimes those comments are the only way a blogger can tell if ANYONE is reading their posts (or as ZEE has requested today in HER blog, that the lurkers "delurk" and leave a comment!).
So, to you I say, "Be well"...I'm working on just that, also...being well...
Glad to hear you are stepping out.(so to speak) You know, I read a LOT of blogs now,but usually feel like,"Why do they care what I think? I'd be wasting their time." (though, personally I LOVE reading comments) I look to you old (oops, sorry) wise-one for blog etiquette. I mean we both do Seattle, a bond and all. Besides, you "LOL" a lot and that's how I roll.
Sounds like you are recovering well and you are getting much needed rest. A heating pad on LOW or warm compresses on your ear will help immensely.
Take care, have a nice weekend,
I keep remembering the title of a Charles Bukowski book. I think it was: The days fly by like wild horses. I dunno, something like that..lol Nice to know I'm not the only one that has no idea where my day has gone.lol
I watched an old balck and white movie yesterday...don't remember any of it. I was just staring at the screen and noting the old style of dress and props. lol
Infection!? Not the MRSA crap, right? Hey, take care of that, mkay? And with that 2/1 step ratio ... well, it IS progress, right?
what is that saying about God closing a door & opening a window? at times when I feel like things are going "tits up" I sometimes have to sit myself down & try to rethink where there might be an open window (if for nothing else than to jump out - lol) . . . hope you're feeling better soon!
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