Actually, my day today (Tuesday) did not go half as bad as expected and at least a quarter as well as I could have anticipated...I'm no math major but I think that translates to "it went OK". My shingled arm is still giving me some bouts of nerve pain, especially late in my evening...and my fatigue level is still higher than average, but overall, I seem to be on the quick mend. I just have to push my way through a bit of a grueling day tomorrow and then, all shall be down hill...until the next mountain, that is.
Let's see...what's happening in my microcosm of a world? The November election is FINALLY over and I feel I can once again return to leaving my television on during the commercial breaks...I'm so sick of the political ads. At least there will now be a few months reprieve before they start up again for NEXT fall. My cat has not adjusted well to having her "pillow" return back to work and she seems a bit more neurotic than usual...I have not adjusted all THAT smoothly to returning back to work and seem a bit more neurotic than usual. My job seems to be a bit more of a pleasant place to work this week...or my PERCEPTION of it these past few days has changed...this is also a "good" thing. The weather has turned into a typical Seattle fall with rainy/overcast skies...as it should be. Basically, all seems to be status quo in my tiny bubble of life and I am happy there are no major dramas or traumas occurring presently.
And, so far, I have resisted poking my own eye out!...(you knew I just couldn't LEAVE that alone, didn't you!? LOL)...
glad to hear your eye is still intact, but I do worry about the cute lil anne geddes baby who might one day find him/herself a victim of finger up nose or eye ;)
Good fortune! My Tyrants have seized power and have outlawed elections. Shades of Hugo Chavez, but at least we will no longer have to tolerate politicians. The lynchings will commence immediately.
Lean into it?
Have a nice 'rut' day.
you left me speechless with the eye pic.... Absolutely a gross-out.
More neurotic than usual? Sounds like your kind of kitty. LOL!
Hope life continues to mellow out for you. Even a slow mellow is better than a quick FUBAR. ;)
Hey Sister,
Good to see you in a better , sunnier place …I keep reading your journal everyday but my mind has been so bamboozled lately that I can not muster half a decent thought..
The other day , in front of a gathering, I meant to say I ordered some Lip Tints from an on line cosmetic store but instead I came out with “ I ordered me some limp tits from an on line store”…Arghhhh ….
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