The past few weeks have been a test of my endurance and ability to keep my head above water...that is, if one believes life is meant to test us. And today came over me like a tidal wave...I'm STILL coughing out the imaginary water from my symbolic lungs. And just when I thought nothing else could go wrong, Murphy's Law hit me in the head like a hidden log in a swift stream.
I am never able to share much detail about the actual work I do...laws prohibit me from such disclosure. But suffice it to say, whatever COULD have gone wrong in my work day today, DID. Between the pouring down rain of the Northwest weather (I am often outside in these monsoon events in my job), SNAFU's of mammoth proportions within the system I work in, and dodging "irritants" who should know better, I ended the evening with my $150.00 raincoat completely ruined...it is covered in green paint I managed to back into and smear all over myself while trying to secure a "situation". Yes, this has been my day.
But, it does NOT stop here...oh no. That, my friends, would have left a breath of optimistic hope in me, believing things COULD be getting better. Just before sitting down to type this post, I retrieved my digital camera to take a picture of the ruined raincoat for your viewing pleasure (because I'm sadistic that way and also rely on the sympathies of others to heal my wounds...LOL)...I slid the lens cover back and the LCD screen flashed an unusual and bizarrely waving screen. Thinking this might simply be a battery problem, I replaced them...but alas, after nearly an hour of "fiddling" with my electronic toy, I have determined it is malfunctioning and most likely will require an expensive repair service to fix it...or, I may simply have to replace the entire camera.
So, with my head completely submerged in water right now, I believe the best thing for me to do is go to bed and try to erase today's slate clean so I can start over tomorrow. I can't WAIT to see what fresh hell Friday will bring!...
last week thursday I had a similar situtation where everything that could go wrong did & again for legal reasons I cannot say much more, but at the end of the day I'm just happy to be alive (literally)!!
Off to thailand on monday so this will probably be my last comment till after dec 10th - hope you can survive without them - LMAO, xx
wow!!! you had a sucky day!
Heh ... the cup is not half full, the cup is not half empty: but rather, the fluid transfer to the cup was insufficiently engineered to fully engage the vessel design!
Oh, and MMMMMM! Fresh Hell! Much better than that icky canned stuff with the jelly and cruft.
awww i am so sorry for your rotten day. i do hope things have gotten better.
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