Oh sure...I could ramble on about my fatigue level, work schedule, planetary alignments, Mercury retrograde, the holidays approaching, feeling under the weather, thyroid malfunction, or some other malady. But...to tell you the truth...I've just been LAZY.
I DO read all y'all's blogs via Google Reader. Every day I get alerts if you have posted something new and exciting and I open up my reader and sneak peeks at your daily musings. But to comment on your blogs, I must also open each, individual blog and that...well...that requires me to mouse to other pages and try to think of something witty to say. And frankly, there's been a warm, arid wind blowing through my wit, causing me to fall short in my usual Hi Larry Us and off-the-cuff thinking (but my grandiosity remains!). I've been infected with the LAZY virus...
I also READ your comments here on Cheese daily...I have to read them to post them because I have a moderator working behind the scenes to make sure no advertising or nasty remarks inadvertently wind up on my pious blog. LOL And I laugh heartily at YOUR wit in the comments (and also appreciate Mandy for featuring Cheese on Between The Blogs , although I am quite certain my rambling River of Refuse here is not deserving of such a highlight!), often thinking, "Gee...I wish I'd thought of THAT line". But, I continue to suffer from LAZINESS lassitude.
I have just tonight FINALLY made it around to most of my regular reads to leave comments...I'm sure you've all been anxiously awaiting THAT barrage on your blogs! I had an unusual burst of energy, so I took advantage while the gettin' was good and trolled around the wonderful works of several MS bloggers. You all seem to being doing OK in spite of MS...you all seem to be unaffected by my bout of LAZINESS.
And now, after sitting at this computer screen for well over an hour, I think it is in my best interest to hit the hay and attempt to get some shut eye...maybe a good night's sleep will do wonders to combat my LAZINESS bug. Of course, there IS always that trick of lighting a fire under my arse, too...but then again, I'd have to find the gumption to strike the match...sigh...LOL...
Okay then what's my excuse?
That's fine ... just post periodically so we don't end up calling the authorities about your kidnapping.
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