I've been sicker than a dog today post final 5th infusion due to what can only be attributed to a low potassium level...having muscle cramps, weakness, tremors, lightheadedness, extreme fatigue, and a very slow heart rate. Yesterday pre-infusion, my K+ level had already dropped to 2.9 (normal is 3.5 - 5.0) and this was AFTER a large banana bag infusion of K+ the day before. What can I say? I guess I've just got some very good kidneys on me.
You wouldn't happen to have a quart of potassium laying around to share, now would you? Argh...it's always something...I am SOOOOOO over this...
Sorry, I only have a bunch of bananas, and I doubt you would want to eat that many. Or maybe you would, I don't know. I'm sorry the "cure" is kicking your ass almost (or just as) much as the illness. Hopefully my neuro is right when he says that the steroids often take some time to work, and when they do they'll kick some MS ass!
Bananas and potatoes (dress 'em up with the works) keeps muscle cramps away. Perfect K+ level as long as you get these two foods into you several times per week. But then you already knew that! LOL
my neuro always prescribed Zantac prior to steroids. I have the most incredible sensitve stomach so one pill before steroids and I felt so much better. Don't do the OTC stuff, ask for a prescription
( it's stronger).I could have never made it thru steroids without it.
Coincidentally, K-19 is the working title of a Harrison Ford movie shot in Halifax.....
Hopefully you can get your required fill of bananas and not slip on the peels. We need you back to your normal ranting self.
So sorry you aren't feeling well these days... and you know if I had any potassium laying around I'd gladly share it with ya!
..."I guess I've just got some very good kidneys on me."...usually, they work much better IN you, didja know that?? lol!
hum..i often test low in potassium. is this common in MSrs?
Would a hefty dose of B12 help your condition, too?
And yeh, I gots an extra quart of potassium, but ya gots to come and get it (LOL)
Hang in there pup!
I'm missing your saucy way with words, so please go find whatever you need to feel better and soon grace us with your posts again. Not sure all that made sense, but you know what I mean!
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