Peggy used to say that...my mother, that is. "No rest for the wicked". To this day, I have no idea what exactly that saying meant coming from her! LOL
All I know is I must have racked up some "wicked" points in the past few months because I've had no REST at all these last few weeks...my job has been extremely fast-paced and relentless lately and I am nearly "too pooped to pop" (another "Pegism"...she had some good ones, didn't she?!?).
Tomorrow morning, I return to work at the crack of dawn (7:30AM) to present two, 4 hour training sessions ON MY DAY OFF, I might add. I will literally be at work from 7:30 in the morning to 11:00PM at night...you may now make wagers on exactly how "wicked" I have been recently...LOL.
I have become so tired recently, I find myself waking up each morning and saying the MS Prayer...you know the one..."Dear God, please don't give me a relapse of my multiple sclerosis today. And if you must, please let it kill me."
I very much doubt between now and Saturday I will find the time to post anything on either BrainCheese sites (you AOL-ers REALLY need to get on board and switch to the dark side of BrainCheese at Blogspot: http://www.brain-cheese.blogspot.com/ )...I also have an all day meeting to attend starting at 9:00AM on Friday. As I have told Corrine via a private email, "I imagine I will be ass-spanking insane by the time this month is over"!!! Well, at least I work in the business of "insane", so it IS familiar territory...
So, I'm off to go about my "wicked" ways...I have some typing and an outline to get completed before dawn shows her gnarly face in the morning. I imagine by 11:00PM tomorrow I will feel as if I have been "rode hard, and put up wet". Someone should really thank my mother for these God-awful sayings...anybody have a Ouija Board handy so we can call her??...LOL...
Great minds must think alike, coz my mom always used to say that too! (I find myself parroting her from time to time!)
I unfortunately find myself "parroting" my mother WAY TOO frequently...it's almost like channeling her! Scares the crap outta me...
BTW...I think some of the local "Cheese" readers have been traveling to England just to get a wiff of YOUR blog! Strange world how we all inter-relate, isn't it?
Linda D.
Something wicked this way comes ...
Oh, never mind, it's just Linda.
HEY! I resemble that remark!!!
(and I do hope you read my comment on YOUR blog yesterday...I mean it, champ...remove the friggin' vent and get to blogging!)
Linda D.
When I realised I was turning into my mother was when someone asked me if I liked a drink and I said "Ooohhh I'd love a cup of tea!" :-\
I soooo want your permission to "borrow" one of those disabled parking signs from YOUR blog! I'd like to turn it into business cards that could be left on people's cars if you don't mind. LOL
BTW...still can't get registered with your site to leave comments. Am I completely "tarded" about this????
Linda D.
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