Anybody else sick of those Verizon commercials?!? I can't wait until that commercial guy who walks around in those silly things really DOES start to have hearing problems...and not just because of his cell phone connection! But, I rant for not...
Actually, the title of this post is to elicit feedback from all of you loyal CHEESE readers (that would be all two of you) regarding hearing problems and Multiple Sclerosis. Generally speaking (and posing an extremely simplified version of a complex question), do YOU have any difficulties with your hearing because of your MS?
My personal quest to unravel this mystery stems from my own curiosity...that, and a vague response from Dr. She Who Will Not Be Named regarding this issue! It began as follows:
About two weeks ago (maybe more, maybe less...I'm not much for attention to details when it comes to symptoms and time LOL), I started noticing these brief periods of "buzzing" in my left ear. I have frequently had "issues" with my left ear since childhood (i.e., multiple ear infections, some hearing loss, occasional pain, etc.), so my first notice of this occurring was more of a "Hey...that's odd" type of thought. Not wanting to be an alarmist, I'd just sort of "note" it, and carry on.
Then the buzzing episodes began occurring almost daily, very briefly, no pain, and no real reason to think I wasn't just experiencing some bizarre allergy or head cold development. Now, I am experiencing this buzzing several times a day. It's not exactly tinnitis (ringing in the ears), but literally more like a white noise, buzzing sound that seems to mute my hearing slightly. It is as if the sounds around me are having to travel under water before I hear them. (I know, I know...now I really AM starting to "sound" like a lunatic!) It's truly no more than an annoyance and the episodes only last for a few seconds to minutes...but, it IS bugging me!
I emailed Dr. SWWNBN a question about MS and hearing problems and she responded, "potentially" MS could cause this and that I needed to see an Ear/Nose/Throat doctor. I not-so-gently reminded her I just SAW an ENT that SHE sent me to in January and my ears checked out just fine!
So, I've now decided to pose this question to the REAL experts...all y'all who read my blathering crap and have MS! Have YOU had any trouble with your hearing caused by MS and/or experienced a similar symptom? I KNOW more than two of you with MS read this cornucopia of crap, so please throw me a friggin' bone here and leave a comment...I'd love to HEAR (yuck yuck) from you!...
1 comment:
I've not been diagnosed with MS, but have been plagued by an array of symptoms my doctors claim are not connected. Chronic diarrhea, gallbladder removal, PMS from hell, complex/poly ovarian cysts, tension/migraines (daily), moderate to severe nerve damage, carpal tunnel surgery, numbness down limbs, pain/ stiffness in limbs, feels like 100's of tacks stuck in the bottom of my feet (come & go), itchy, shooting pain like someone stabbed me with a long metal needle inside my upper/lower arms/legs. My doctors look at me like I'm a circus freak; which has componded my depression & anxiety. I'm only at ease talking to my aunt who has MS and now walking on tree branch, sharing with you. Yes, I have trouble hearing or understanding what people are saying if there is background noise, i. e. "I'm loving this basket." I hear, "Your moving to Alaska." Not sure if it is MS or I'm just crazy & making myself sick. But thank you for your blog & your honesty. You make me laugh, when sometimes all I want to do is cry.
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