Yes, there is a swear word here...but I simply could NOT resist "stealing" this sign from FUNKY MANGO's site: http://www.margomilne.com/wordpress/ . And, there are a few more on Funky's site that are well worth the click on the link!
I'm considering making business-card-sized versions of this sign with the Washington State parking enforcement code on the back...that way, when I come across a lazy B-turd parking illegally in a disabled spot, I can simply leave them a "gentle" reminder slapped on their windshield!
Besides, leaving handwritten notes on panty liners stuck to their windows (hey...they work GREAT for this because of the adhesive backs...you can thank me later for this "tip"...LOL) has become costly!
Thanks for the kind words :-)
There's another sign you might like at http://www.margomilne.com/gotspace.jpg
I STEAL from you, and then you thank me for "kind" words?!?! You Brits are just toooo nice...LOL
Linda D.
Hey, if we're talking about stealing, where do you think I got them from in the first place? ;-)
Love the sign! And the panty liner idea. You are toooooo much! :)
Hrmmm ....
Just needed to give credit where credit was due...and the fact I like to think of myself as a rebel and capable of "theft"!
Linda D.
Well, the darned things OUGHT to be useful for something else besides monthly "events"! Great Post-Its...
Linda D.
A man of few words I see...or just a few groans...LOL
Linda D.
OK...damn you, you rebel! How dare you steal from me!!
Margo x
Thank you...can you hear my ego "boosting" clear across the great Atlantic pond??? LOL
Linda D.
Okay, I must admit, I've never tried the panty liner trick....never ever. Where have I been? I thought I was the Queen of fun things to do? Geesh...I really MUST get out a little more than I have been lately! =) Thanks for the 'tip'!
You SHOULD try it...beyond being a bit expensive, it IS quite FREEING! LOL
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