I don't know if I have the same "skill" level in the cold as dear MDMHVONPA, but I CAN tell you it is "colder than a well digger's a$$" right now in Seattle! At the moment, around 1:00AM, the temperature is at 35 degrees and falling rapidly...tomorrow's high isn't supposed to get out of the 30's. People! That's friggin cold for this wet, maritime area!!!
Unsuspecting me left my home this afternoon without upping the dial on my heat...I came home to frigid temperatures and a cat that looked as though SHE could use a fur coat. I have since cranked up the thermostats, boiled water for hot tea, and am considering warming up my frozen bones in a hot bath before going to bed. This is just TOO darned cold for the likes of my sensitive bod!
Ah, Miss Chris? Got any extra rooms for rent in that ARIZONA DESERT you call home??? I could be on a plane tomorrow morning...just as soon as they DE-ICE the wings!...
well now you can be jealous of me, we've still got temps in the 50s during the day, but WITH RAIN, so maybe the cold wouldn't be so bad . . .
2AM, why am I sleepless in Seattle, oh right--IT'S FREEZZZZING. The polar bears can come here now. Luckily my laptop keeps me warm. Don't tell me you have to work tomorrow, ice, snow, wind...send the cat instead.
You wuss !!!LOL!
It's 12 degrees in Hartford.My partner is intrigued though about the nipples effect ...
I agree, Miss Cheese, the earth is a-changin' and places that used to get mild winters are getting absolutely frigid.
It even snowed near my friend's home in Florida last week.
Today, Monday, it is 16 degrees at 12Noon, and was 6 degrees when I got up at 5AM. Brrrrr. Baby It's Cold Outside.
And where is that slippery-tongued guy anyway. He lives near my neck of the woods and I know the snow levels have not gotten him yet since we have never gotten over an inch of snow so far.
Stay warm, and get that cat a nice blankie,
I've got plenty of spare room!lol We had freezes two nights ago. We had to cover our plants outside (they ususally die anyway) and it was freeking cold! Something about an unusually low dip in the jet stream or something like that. Who cares why though. We suffer through the sweltering, boiling hot summers so we can have a nice winter. You know...the 60's or something. Fortunately we're back to normal for the time being. I'll send some of that 65 degrees your way right now.... Are you getting it yet???
Yeah, but everyone around YOU talks funny about the weather! LMAO Woooo...British humor...we can't always be surrounded by "Mericans" and OUR funny little accents now, can we???
Enjoy your 50's...
Now THERE'S a reason to replace my defunct laytop...HEAT!!!
This cat won't lift a finger to do ANYTHING around here...although she DOES on occasion lift her middle finger at me.
Where have you been again?!? I pine for your comments and suffer severe withdrawal when you are gone..much like a heroin addict in a dark alley. Don't make me BEG for your attentions...LOL (Which is what I think I just accomplished here, didn't I?!?)
You may have to do a reconnaissonce mission and hop in your van to FIND Mr. Pennsyltucky! He's dropped off the radar. I DO hope it is only WORK that is twisting his shorts and not MS...
I can't distinguish between the hot air you are sending me and the daily HOT AIR I seem to blow around on my own! My mother used to say I was "full of hot air", but it's really not the warming kind...LOL
Yesterdays high, here in IL was -6
Today is warmer with a high of 12 but now we have the snow again and are expected to get at least 7 inches. It's winter!
OK, OK!!! I get it...it's not as damned cold here as everywhere ELSE in the world!!! LOL But geez...we don't have air conditioners and we barely have HEATERS in Seattle! Two things I pine for when the weather changes...sigh...
BTW, it's warm & not raining yet again today . . . not often I can brag about our weather so I have to take what I can get!
Brag away...I know YOUR day will come...again, for bad weather! LOL
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