Every day, I get somewhere between 30-50 "hits"/drive bys/readers coming to BRAINCHEESE because of this post and this one...last summer's rants about the movie, "Jesus Camp". It seems one cannot write both of those words in a sentence without creating controversy! I have gotten a few "choice" emails from obvious CAMPERS chastising me for the above mentioned posts...thank GOD/JESUS they don't post any comments because my policy about moderating comments is very lenient...don't be obnoxious toward anyone ELSE and your comment gets approved. Say what you want about me, my lack of grasp on the English language, or my personal opinions (one might get a comment BACK in the "comment section", but the comment won't be deleted), but trashing anyone else's comments/thoughts/views/opinions is simply not allowed here...I think that's a pretty fair policy.
I'm kind of amazed actually that some of the zealot CAMPERS who do take the time to send me an email praying for my soul's redemption, etc., DON'T leave a comment...but I imagine they believe I WILL just delete their comment, so why bother? Either that, or they are afraid ANOTHER regular CHEESE reader with MS who believes in stem cell research or is not of the Christian faith might respond...that would scare the "bejesus" out of ME! Some of you MS commentors DO have command of the English language (unlike me) and are extremely knowledgeable and intelligent (sigh...again, unlike me) as well as sharp witted (I try). LOL
We live in America..."allegedly" one of the most free countries in the world where freedom of speech is protected (as long as we don't say anything that rubs the current Administration the wrong way!). We can pretty much say what we want, when we want, and how we want. That darned Constitution just keeps coming back to bite us in the a$$ about this issue. :) And I will continue to exercise my Constitutional privilege to say what I want, and when/how I want to say it here on CHEESE...just as I will allow YOU, the obviously bored reader with nothing better to do than travel down the path of my blathering and distorted writing (because we ALL know if it weren't for Spell Check, NONE of this would be readable!).
In the infamous words of my deceased best buddy, Rodney (who died of AIDS because, yes...he was...GAY! Shhhh...), "The world is a big place. If you don't like me, take two steps back." Or, in the case of the Internet or TV, TURN THE CHANNEL!!! Because this is what you're always gonna find broadcast here...my opinion of the world/life/MS as seen through my eyes...and YOUR eyes, if you choose to comment...
Hmmm...I wonder how many "hits" and emails I will get if I just type the words, "JESUS CAMP" over and over? Jesus Camp, Jesus Camp, Jesus Camp, Jesus Camp, Jesus Camp, Jesus Camp...LOL...
Jesus, as shown in Mel Gibson's passionless movie (send emails to BrainCheese), was into hits too, so it only goes to figure. I used to think healing, flowers, soft clouds when I thought:Jesus; alas, now (thanks Mel) HITS comes to mind. AH! Another winning post to make me smile at 1AM. PS--darn, I was hoping SOMEBODY could tell me my bra size.
Jesus? LOL...my hits are for words that are synonomous with Boobies.. LOL Boobies/Bubbies. Many diasppointed web surfers out there. Maybe I should deliver some smut.
Little Melly...sigh. When I think of Mel Gibson, I think the word "Jew"...I imagine my brain just does that in hopes it might cosmically antagonize the man! LOL
One person's "smut" is another's life story...write away friend! I'll definitely read it...LOL
I agree with Diane...a winning post that brought me to laughter.
Also you hit the nail on the head with this statement:
trashing anyone else's comments/thoughts/views/opinions is simply not allowed here...I think that's a pretty fair policy.
I want people to feel safe to share their thoughts and opinions here, which I think is simply a matter of listening. And MY skin is tough...folks can say what they want about me because it's my blog. But those silly peeps who send me emails trying to disguise themselves to rant about my opinions? I say just put it in the comments and see what everyone else thinks!
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