I just finished toting the last of my precious belongings (I say with tongue in cheek) from the rented storage unit into my newly constructed storage addition at my home...an addition I have been patiently waiting almost a year to see completed.
I have been living in my current home for about 2 1/2 years while renting a storage unit at a local business (aka, being charged an arm and a leg to put a roof over CRAP!). When I moved from the previous rental home in 2005, I was overwhelmed with details of buying a home/moving/MS/hot weather, and basically just became tired of the process...this led to throwing "stuff" in boxes rather than SORTING and decided what I should take with me, what should be donated, OR what should be sent to the local landfill. And for 2 1/2 years, I have been storing some "interesting" stuff for no apparent reason...at least that's what I've discovered today.
After many car trips back and forth in rain-mixed-with-snow weather, ALL of my "interesting" stuff is finally under one roof. The only problem is, I'm pretty sure after 2 1/2 years of NEVER opening some of the boxes, there's less in storage that is "interesting" and more out there that could have just been routed to the local landfill! My usual motto is, if I haven't used it in over a year, I'm probably not going to...I'm not sure why THIS stuff has drawn a motto immunity card.
My next dreaded task IS to sort through the "stuff" AND get rid of some or most of it...frankly, it's just taking up too much room and obviously has not been THAT important to me. I did try to glance through some of the boxes/clear containers to get a feel for what might be in them...when I came across the machete, I nearly wet myself. I know WHY I have used this tool in the past, but it is highly doubtful a 43 year old MS fat lady is going to be whacking down brush in the near future! I think this is something I can definitely get rid of now. And the airless Wilson basketball (who's rubber innards are probably degraded by now) can probably go, too...doubtful I'll be playing any "pick up" games with the local neighborhood gang any time in the near future...hehe...
I guess looking on the bright side of things, at least I'm not hoarding CATS...I've been in some little old lady cat hoarder homes and that is enough to keep me down to one feline! And my living quarters ARE relatively a "hoard-free" zone, so this is good.
Say, anybody need a box of plaster casting material for MAKING plaster casts that go around limbs? Ah, DON'T ASK!...
Glad to see you own a baseball bat, every single woman needs one.
You never know when that machete may come in handy...
I've often wondered what people had in storage units. Cuz sometimes they go on the block for auction and you get to haul the stuff off to keep. Now I know to stay away!
My fiancé is a bit of a "hoarder" as well and I had lots of fun throwing out all sorts of weird things, like receipts from 1990.
I can't stand clutter, so I am regularly going throw our stuff and filtering it.
As for cat hoarding, that is odd, unless the person is rescuing homeless cats and has the space and resources, in which case it is admirable.:)
realistic purging..a healthy sign and good for the soul. Beware..the void will have tremendous power over you to fill it back up. Resist!
I don't own a baseball bat, but I should...that photo really ISN'T of my crap. Mine is MUCH worse!
Spoken like a true serial killer...LOL
It seemed like the right thing to do at the time...now I know I was just procrastinating the inevitable DUMP RUN.
I may need you to sprinkle some of your fairy dust and do a little black magic on this project for me...LMAO
The cat "hoarders" I've dealt with are NOT admirable...they try to tell you they are rescuing the animals, but the animals are too sick to qualify as "cared for" because the hoarder has too many to keep. I'm talking in the 10's of digits to occasional triple digits here on cats! Sad for both the person and the animals...
Ah o.k. Well it definitely should have a limit! When you get into the 10s-100s, then it is not fair to the cats, who are territorial and need space of their own and to be loved individually.
In this case, I agree and the person is probably just nuts.
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