I was born in the Midwest and believe me, all of the land in the central U.S. of A. pretty much looks the same...but the people are NOT the same as the rest of us big city dwellers hugging the coast lines of the continental United States. There is very little racial diversity (except in a few crowded cities), little racial/ethnic/sexual preference/religious tolerance and the majority of the populations are "God-fearing" Christians...just ask someone who lives there...ON A FARM...not someone from the inner city of Chicago (which is NOT Iowa, by the way, for anyone confused about my demographic tirade...LOL).
The projected population of Iowa in 2006 was 2,982,085. Caucasians made up about 94% of that population, yet the USA census for that year of minorities living in the USA was over 1 million...it seems folks of color don't "migrate" to Iowa all that often. Of that 2,982,085 projected population of Iowa, roughly 1.7 million live in urban areas while the other 1.2 million live in rural Iowa...in the USA as a whole, about 71% of the population lives in urban areas while only 21% live the rural life. And I doubt very much the prevalence of Multiple Sclerosis is all that high in Iowa either, but I don't have any comparison facts/figures to share...it's just an opinion!
So why do we care what happens in the Iowa Causcuses? You got me on this one...I've been searching and searching all day (in between Novantrone naps) for a reasonable answer to this question. Sure, we could say it's the "kickoff" of the beginning run for the national parties candidate nominations. I'd even go so far as to say it's a "test" site for candidates to practice their presentations. But Iowa? Please...the best thing that's ever come out of this state is BEEF and great chorus lines for the musical, "The Music Man". (Seriously...if you are from Iowa I beg your forgiveness!)
The news said the temperature in Iowa spiked today to 29 degrees...it's colder than a well-digger's arse in Iowa. Farmers are sitting around the local coffee shops with little to do, but stare at the frozen ground and anticipate Spring in Iowa. Everyone is sporting traction tires or chains this time of year in Iowa. High School basketball teams are making their way toward the State championship games in Iowa. Snow is being HAND SHOVELED in Iowa as I type. Tables are being set for "supper" in the evening, not dinner. Folks have just worked 8-10 hours today and are basically thankful to have a job. Fireplaces are burning as a main source of heat tonight in Iowa while kids prepare their homework for another day of class in their rural community school. A love and respect for farm life as well as hope for a better tomorrow is rising in Iowa...
These are the things I would RATHER hear about coming from Iowa today...not the speechs of HuckaRompson or Obaclintwards. They are NOT Iowans (or is it Iowa-ites?), but the candidates DO want their votes. I just wonder if any of these candidates, IF elected to the office of President of the United States, will remember IOWA when the next major drought, tornado, or infestation blows through the state? Probably not...
Well, if there is a lot of beef that would mean a lot of cows ergo a lot of cow, well, you know, and that would seem the perfect place for all the, well you know, that politicians tend to well,you know.
But then, what do I know? Leno likes weiners, that's all I know.
As a Jewish born, meditative agnostic and a true product of modern Intelligentsia I must say that the idea of a candidate that calls his supporters his army of God scares me to my very overeducated, nihilist core !!! No disrespect for any God worshiping philosophy but I really do not want to see religion used as a crutch in getting anywhere. Let alone for just standing up !!!
Trust me ... there are LOTS of things for the farmers to do when the ground is as hard as their wives' disapproving glares. Ice Fishing, for example.
In any event, remember what happened in Florida when the State DNC party tried to shuffle things up. The party of the 'little guy' threatened to not count their electoral votes in the primaries!
Thank you! I was beginning to think I was the only one who thought this Iowa stuff was a load of crap!
I don't understand why Iowa is so much more important than say...Colorado. Ya know, we put up with a lot of Californians. And New Yorkers. And... OH! Am I on the *mike*???? LOL!
I believe you've hit the nail on the head...or...er...well, I'm not exactly sure "what" one hits when they call fecal matter as just that?!?
"I really do not want to see religion used as a crutch in getting anywhere. Let alone for just standing up"
MAN OH MAN! Can I borrow that line?!? Sha zing!
Thanks for that great insight...
I wasn't really sure where your comment was going with the references to "cold", "hard", and wives...and alas, I'm still in the dark. *snicker*
I know...I feel like such an "expatriot" in saying this but, PULEEZE! IOWA?!?
Testing, one, two three. Testing, testing...YUP, the mike is on! Have at it girl...
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