I don't know about the rest of you's MS peeps, but when I begin to "catch" some nasty bug flying around in my face (that someone else obviously breathed upon me), I really don't feel well systemically...it doesn't matter if it is a cold virus, stomach flu, or syphilis (just trying to grab your attention here with dramatics!), the result is the same. I feel overly tired, drained, fatigued, irritable, achy, and just plain ill at ease. I can only imagine "normal" people feel some degree of this dysfunction as well. But it seems like for those of us with compromised nervous systems (and particularly immune systems), the effects of "germination" (aka, that time frame in between the "catch" of something to its full-blown culmination of disease symptoms...I made that definition up...hehe) is especially difficult...it becomes just about all I can do to drag my sorry arse out of bed let alone "pretend" wellness. And I notice this getting harder and harder with AGE as well.
So, I'm not going to pretend wellness here any longer and I'm just going to bed...I need to feel that ever-so-comfortable mattress cradling me for a few hours...hopefully I will sleep through the night without my shoulder waking me in pain as it has done for the past 5 nights. I don't "think" this new pain is MS as I imagine it is just old-age arthritis acting up...at least that's my story right now and I'm sticking to it. It's really a beauch to get old...and even worse to get old with MS!...
hope you're feeling better soon!
I seem to be catching that same something nasty. My hubby brought it home from work and he's pretty miserable. I am trying to fight it! Hope we all manage to eradicate it quick.
Stay inspired!
Expand your mind ~ visit Brain Angles
hey cheesewiz, my boss is going to seattle next week, any chance you can put in a good word with the weather god(desses) out there so he doesn't think it's cold & rainy all the time?
cheers my dear, off for sushi now, xx
I can sure sympathize with you right now. I feel like my sore throat and runny nose will never get better. Now it's migrating down into my lungs too. Great. I hope you get over this quickly!
Hope you're up and about soon.
I used to take a glass of Gin and some honey before going to bed.
It may not have a thing for whatever was ailing me, but I felt better anyway. ;-)
Charles has the right idea....add to that a magic bag or a heating pad and you're all set. Feel better soon.
If you come down to train with us, I promise I'll take it easy on you! :)
Thanks, Sara...and when you discover the cure for the common cold in your lab, remember the "little people" when you're famous...like me, for instance!
Nice website you have! Oh, and as far as staying inspired? I'm just trying to stay alive! Screw inspiration at this point in my cold/flu...LOL
Oh, no! The British are coming, the British are coming!!!!!! (Searching for my remaining tea bags to dump in the Sound...LOL)
Oh, you poor thing! You have had the nasty for quite some time now, haven't you? Be *weller* quick...
LMAO...ain't THAT the truth?!?
At this point, I'm researching general anesthesia possibilities as I would prefer just to SLEEP THROUGH the course of this bug!
Hmmm...I'd have to promise not to BREATHE on any of you...lest you also contract the PLAGUE!
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