As promised yesterday, here is the Seahawks post which, by the way, we DID win against the Washington Redskins...but not until late in the fourth quarter. Now it's onward to Greenbay...the originating town/team of the Seahawks coach and quarterback (look out Joyce, the "hawks" could end up playing your "pats" one day!).
So, to get the football portion of this post out of the way, the Seahawks were ahead 13-0 in the first half...then the 3rd quarter came and the "Skins" made a daring comeback. The game became a 14-13 event and it was looking like the "hawks" were going down. In the 4th quarter, the "Skins" choked and the "hawks" pulled ahead, finally winning the match by a 35-14 margin.
There...football out of the way. The best part of the game was being invited to view the event at my friend, Lil' Al's (formerly known as Big Al, but weight loss has caused a change in name). Al has recently acquired a new, high tech, HD LCD TV...a BIG screen. It's not one of those thousands of dollars monstrosities that take up an entire wall of a room, but it is far bigger than anything I've ever watched a game on...I don't even have CABLE, for gawd's sake. LOL
I was amazed by the technology of TIVO and high definition...the picture of these new fangled machines is so crystal clear, I could practically count the nose hairs dangling from Paul Allen's nares (the owner of the Seahawks and previous cohort of Bill Gates). It was as if I was sitting "live" at the game. Well, almost...there were NOT any drunks spilling beer down my back side and the temperature in MY stadium was a snuggly 70 degrees! Oh, and I didn't have to yell at any stoopid fans for standing in my line of sight on the stairs while watching the game. Hmmm...I think it may have been even BETTER than a live game at Qwest Field.
Al and his wife are great fun people...old school...the kind of folks you think about when watching "A Christmas Story". They are always inviting, pleasant, funny, and engaging. We had a game "spread" of enchilada's, refried beans, salad, and drinks...as well as the usual football food of chips/dip/pretzels. It was a most excellent afternoon...the only draw back in the situation is, I missed my afternoon nap(s) and now it is too late in the early evening to even think about stealing a nap OR going to bed early...sigh...
On a slightly different slant to my day, the P.O.D. has bounced back from "whatever" gripped her stomach last night, causing her to spew like Mt. Vesuvius...she has returned to her ever-plotting-world-domination self and is once again sitting at my side by the computer memorizing my passwords. If I ever DO come up missing, check the CAT first! She'll definitely know something...
I was also ever so delighted this morning to discover during my weigh in (which really translates to standing on the scale after I urinate first thing in the morning...TMI?!?) that yet another pound has evaporated from my flesh, bringing me to a total of 8 gone...in 6 days. After the game event today, I most likely shouldn't eat for about a week to make up the difference in calories...and I only have about 8 thousand more to lose to get me back to a reasonable weight! There IS hope on the horizon...of course, I probably lost a pound or so BITING MY NAILS OFF DURING THE GAME, so maybe it will all even out...
Have just finished watching the New Hampshire Primary Debates here in snowy New England where both cows and moose abound. Obama was watching your game during the breaks and let the audience know the Redskins lost. I will certainly be watching if you face the New England Patriots 16-0. It seems you have kept your power after the wind storms that were on the news all day.
Sadly, I can not see Seattle beating your Pats,Joyce. happy to ead your post L, as I can't decide whether or not to buy a big screemer HD and so on...I don't really want to see Paul's hairs, and I'm afraid what Joan Rivers will look like.
Yes, power stayed "on" this time and the winds turned out not to be as strong as last year...no trees crashing down around the hut!
"IF" the Hawks make it to playing the Patriots, we may have a serious game on our hands...and I do say "if"...
I'd be more worried what the ladies on "The View" would look like! Isn't Babs Walters close to dead by now? Have no fear...all you'd see with Ms. Rivers are the stitching lines of her old surgeries...kind of like looking at a patchwork quilt face.
As a Redskins fan, congrats to you! Your team kicked our butts. As for those new fangled high def t.v.'s, since we've gotten one I don't know how I ever watched sports without it. It is like you are actually there.
i am such a nerd...i know nothing about football at all. sounds like you had a great time watching the game. and congrats on losing the 8 pounds...that is wonderful!
Don't tempt me! I suppose I'd first have to get a "SIGNAL" via cable, however, before the HD would pay off. LOL
Ignorance (about football) is bliss...didn't somebody famous say that once? Minus the football part?!?
I knew I would run into Bab Walters name today in your blog, I just knew it. For some reason I had a dream of Britney's picture (she's all serene, cured, two happy children) thanks to the hard work of Linda D. in SEATTLE!!! *everyone claps* and Bab Walters starts the 'serious interview' with Linda and Brit.
And you're talking football. Man, was my dream off.
Dear GOD, woman! Now I'm going to need additional therapy MYSELF just to sort through YOUR dream! LOL
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