My "nesting" pattern is more a ritual powered by potential embarrassment, however. I can still hear the faint voice of my mother saying, "You kids clean up your rooms before we go (on vacation). If something happens to us and we don't make it back home (and she meant EVER...as in dead!), I don't want the neighbors coming in here and finding a mess." Ah...another Pegism...
I believe I've had a total of somewhere around 8-9 hours of sleep since Saturday morning at 8:30AM...that is the last night I slept during NORMAL hours in my own bed. The joys of working two night shifts in a row. And today, there was no time to sleep either once I arrived home around 9:30AM...I had to CLEAN! I go in for my Tysabri infusion tomorrow after all...LOL
My bathroom is now cleaner than my person. Seriously. You could eat off my floor AND I'm considering doing just that...or just eat something wherever I collapse. Maybe I'll make a bit of punch in the toilet bowl. I think I'm getting a bit delirious from lack of sleep...what do YOU think???
Well, if for some reason I don't "make it home" tomorrow from my infusion, I'm not worried about the neighbors coming in and finding a "mess"...unless the Princess O' Darkness trashes out the place while I attempt to get some quality sleep tonight.
And IF for some reason I don't "make it home" tomorrow after my infusion...well...it's been nice knowing you! Please feel free to come on into my home and admire the shine...
Heh ... worried that others will pass judgment on you after you shuffle off the mortal coil ... speaking ill of the dead. Indeed!
All good thoughts that Tysabri will be the cocktail that returns you to neurological normalcy, without the hangover produced by the first go-round !
Punch in the toilet bowl sounds ummm, tasty? Not. Here's to hoping you have success on the tysabri!
Oh, I TOTALLY do that too. I have no idea why, but it may be that I hate coming home to a dirty apartment after I've been traveling all day/week...
Best of luck on the Tysabri!
Well, I guess your place would be appropriate for a fanciful brew of tub punch, spiked with the college favorite, Everclear, maybe. Not that I ever experienced the tub punch myself....oh I was never that well-connected.
Anyway, girl, I hope that you get some sleep tonight. Maybe some Ambien or Lunesta? I'm just sayin....
Good luck tomorrow. May be the vein-hunters be successful and the Big T be kind.
I make it a point to wear dirty underwear and socks with holes in the heel. I figure if I'm in an accident, in pain, probably bleeding... certainly not happy, everyone should be at least a little uncomfortable, even if it's a simple, "Oh damn...."
I will be anxiously awaiting your post-infusion report! Much luck to you
Nice to know I am not the only one who does that. I wish you all the best during your infusion tomorrow.
My place needs cleaning LOL.
I will wait for your post-infusion report.
Hugs, Jim
Wishing you all the best with your infusion. I don't have a passport to fly to Seattle, so guess you'll have to get yourself home to admire your work. Stay inspired my friend!
Expand your mind ~ visit Brain Angles
do you think this means I need to clean my bathroom before I go away this weekend?!??!!? I was only figuring on doing the needed laundry prior to take off . . .
anxiously awaiting your post tysabri report....hope all went well.
My prayers are with you. I'm hoping this all works for you so you can get some relief. My dogs drink out of our toilet so that wouldn't work for me. I'm here for ya. Let us all know how things went. Take care
I have to have a pristine house that looks like no one has lived in it too. I get worried about not being able to clean if I get too tired from whatever they are pumping into me. I never worry about dying on the road (as long as my house is clean) but I hope if I do I have a GIANT dildo in the car, just to mortify my mom with! Blindbeard
next time you have the urge to clean...come see me!
Good Luck, Linda.
I have first dibs on the Princess if you don't make it back! :-P
But really, who would bring a laugh to my day if you weren't here, Linda?!
Wishing you an infusion that's as smooth as honey in July...
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