But I've decided, after reading and rereading PennyAnn's (that's PACW's REAL name!) email I posted here yesterday and her wonderful "gift" of MS slogans, it was time for ME to reach out to the THINK PINK campaign (you know...those Breast Cancer Awareness peeps). I shouldn't be bitter that THEIR slogans and campaign are sooo superior to the MS Awareness march. And PennyAnn has been so generous in providing US (MSers) with such wonderful slogans, perhaps it is time WE (MSers) return the favor?
So...I've come up with a couple of BCA slogans myself and I'm hoping all y'all MSers will contribute your creative minds to the campaign as well! LOL Here are just a couple of MY Breast Cancer Awareness Slogans I've come up with: "PINK...IT'S NOT JUST FOR GAYS ANYMORE"...or "DON'T BE A BOOB. SAVE ONE"...or "IF IT WERE A TESTICLE, THERE'D BE A CURE" (hmmm...could use THAT one for MS, too)...or "Stay aBREAST of the situation. Do your self-exams"...or "YOUR MAMMY CALLED. SHE SAID TO DONATE".
I don't know...I doubt the BCA peeps will be calling me asking permission to use any of my slogans for there THREE DAY WALK FOR A CURE. But they "might"...LOL
Got an idea for a good slogan? Leave it in the comments...I can't WAIT to see what y'all do with THIS one...
My favorite slogan for Breast Cancer Awareness: "Save 2nd Base!"
There are even t-shirts.
sorry too late BST for me to come up with any slogans, but maybe whilst trying to sleep i'll come up with something & be able to pop back over tomorrow
"BSE... KNOW your A B C or D's!"
"Thanks for the Mammaries"
"Breast Self Exams... Nippling Cancer in the bud!"
"BSE... Be your own Breast Friend"
"Don't be a Dink -- Think Pink!"
lol at Steve's suggestion! That one was great! :)
How about "Save some sweater puppets" or
"My face is up here, but since you're looking there anyway, donate to breast cancer reasearch."
I love all those slogans! Steve and Nervus Rex's are brilliant too!
Gee I can't come up with anything. :)
Boobs, you were inspecting them several times a day when you were born, why stop!?
I have my on issues concerning the pink ribbon. I can't get into this right now :(
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