The medial joint in my "bird" finger has been aching for a few weeks now. At first, I thought I had done something inadvertently to my universal sign language finger...the joint appeared mildly swollen and...well...it ACHED! I complained about my new "pain" to a few friends at work and they jokingly thought perhaps I had developed Over-Use Syndrome...you know...from flipping the "bird" too much. The only real sign language I know. But I SWEAR I have not over-used this delicate communication device.
Then, I blamed the pain on my Tysabri infusion. After all, EVERY joint in my body ached following my infusion three weeks ago (when I thought I was developing meningitis the next day because my neck and shoulders ached so much?...sigh...a little medical knowledge is a dangerous thing). But the pain in my finger developed shortly AFTER the pain in the rest of my joints began to subside. And besides, no one would believe me if I said Tysabri had caused localized swelling in my "bird" finger! Dr. She Who Will Not Be Named would have LOVED that explanation.
Then yesterday when I woke up to go to my psychiatrist' appointment, the ache in my finger had turned into spasms...painful spasms that got my attention. I of course, consulted my shrink (who IS a doctor, too...or at least she was a "real" doctor before she became a psychiatrist) by flipping her the "bird" and announcing I was having spasms in my finger. She flipped the "bird" back at me and asked, "You mean THIS finger?"
"Yes," I said. "THIS finger" (with my banner "bird" finger still flagrantly flying in the air). We laughed at the silliness of the communication, but secretly I took great joy in...well...giving the "bird" to my doctor! Not that I dislike her or anything. It's just how OFTEN does one get a free pass card to "finger" their psychiatrist?!? I saw an opportunity and I took it. Wouldn't want to let a once-in-a-lifetime event pass me by...hehe.
I believe consequently, because of my naughty behavior, my middle finger is STILL spasming today...sigh. And I am afraid I have developed some type of arthritis in the joint (which simply means an inflammation of the joint...not necessarily "the" arthritis we sometimes get with aging or other disease). It is so tender now, I find myself keeping it in constant "bird" attention away from my other two fingers so as not to rub the joint. I appear (to the unknowing eye) to be continually telling the world to F-off!
And who knows...maybe I AM unconsciously telling the world to F-off? Wouldn't be the first time. I just hope my finger doesn't STICK this way...in permanent "bird". I'm afraid I could find myself in a heap of trouble at work...or parties...or the grocery story...or...LOL...
"I was developing meningitis"
Heh, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
"It could be a tumor." - said by cute little kid in Kindergarten Cop
If you're going to have a finger spasm, I guess that's the finger to have it in...kind of keeps things exciting.
I honestly couldn't even come up with a comment. I read the post and just shook my head with a smile.
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