Saturday, May 09, 2009

Green Around The Gills...

Night shifts are over and I feel sick...that kind of sick feeling that comes from lack of sleep...pit of the stomach, head dizzying, nauseating, lethargic sick. And what's more, I have a strong suspicion I am once again developing an outbreak of shingles on my right arm (been there, done that...have the scars to prove it). I've got that burning, can't-stand-anything-touching-my-skin feeling that I've had before just prior to an outbreak of shingles.

I'm hoping a day of sleeping will cure what ails me...if not, I'm hoping for a painless death in my sleep. Best close up the shutters on the hut and bar the door...I'm not fit for human consumption right now. I don't think this is what the commercials are talking about when they encourage us to "go green"...


Webster said...

Yeah, well you have really cute purple fuzzy scuffs on and a ladybug in your hair, so things can't be ALL bad.

Hope you don't come down with shingles (never had them, have heard they're the pits); hope you don't have a relapse of the creeping crud or whatever it was that bit you.

If it makes you feel any better, I got hives on my left palm - have no idea how - and it itched constantly for 2 1/2 days. Okay, so that DOESN'T compare. Sorry.

Get well soon. Then stay that way for awhile. Enjoy the nice weather today.

Living Day to Day with Multiple Sclerosis said...

I hope you are feeling better after some sleep!!! I love your "Green Guy"!!

Denver Refashionista said...

Sleep, sleep and dream of something better than this. I hope you awaken to bliss.

Miss Chris said...

Sorry to see you are feeling bad. I hope you feel better real soon!