The best part of my work hours occurred when I was paused at the Mountlake Bridge waiting for it to be lowered (it's one of a couple of opening bridges here in Seattle). It was dusk outside and I was just leaving my second stressful encounter with an angry ER physician for the day (maybe it was the heat here today, or perhaps it was ME that caused other "tempers" to flare in my presence!), when I glanced over at the car beside me in traffic. I did a double, then a triple take. I swear on all that is holy I *thought* the car next to me was being driven by one of those crash test know the ones...without hair, flesh toned, and with somewhat of a flat face??? Turns out, on my THIRD look at the "dummy" in the driver's seat, it was just a very sad, ugly bald man!
Time to go cool down in an icy shower and wait for our NW heatwave to pass...before I start seeing "other" things that aren't really humor in this post, for example...
I saw the humour, what does that say about me?
Well if the pissiness and halucinations don't clear up there are always steroids to crank up that fire...
I hope you cool off and feel better soon. Discomfort makes me bitchy too.
Definite humor. I probably wouldn't have too many problems in the kiln. With heat like that, I'd be incomprehensible and likely passed out. it'd be like I wasn't even there. LOL
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