For the past 2-3 days, I have developed this increasing sensation that there was a "tickle" in my left nostril. I kept rubbing the end of my nose, blowing my nose, searching for that ROGUE nose hair, trimming what I imagined could only be a ROGUE vibrissae (hoity toity word for NOSE HAIR), and doing microscopic self-inspection of each and every tiny millimeter of my nose. Currently, my left nostril is practically bare from any dust and dirt catching hairs (which are now accumulating in my lungs...the dirt and dust, that is). And still...my NOSE "TICKLES"!!
After practically ripping my left nostril off my face, the sensation began to change to an almost vibrating feeling...and then (but only then, nearly being nostril-less!)...I finally realized. I get this SAME SENSATION routinely in my left shoulder, albeit much more strongly. My nose is now vibrating like my shoulder.
"MS, you dastardly B-Turd!" I cry. "Leave my frickin' nose alone!" I mean geez...just when I thought there might be one or two parts on my body that would be spared neurological insult (like my nose and maybe a kidney).
Multiple Sclerosis makes concessions for no one's pride...
I get that, too. Like a hair is sitting across my left nostril. I brush it away, continuously, but it's never there. Of course an itchy nose means you're going to kiss a fool.
And remember, you can pick your nose and you can pick your friends. but you can't pick your friend's nose. Well you could, but that's gross.
i get that too on my legs , it drives me bunkers
Nothing is sacred. There are "other" little hairs that get wild too!
What? You couldn't find a picture of Samantha doing her cute little nose twitch?
I luv ya, but some of your photo choices worry me!
I get that too but in my EAR. Problem is I wear a hearing aid in there. So..imagine everyone's dismay when I take out my squealing aid to do a "microscopic self-inspection of each hidden curve of my ear".
While my hearing aid SQUEALS. Hey, it doesn't bother me. I can't hear it!
Well, unlike Shauna, I'd pick your nose, Linda, just to get that dang gross BOOGER that's hanging out in the picture. Ewwwwwww.
I get the hair across the upper lip tickle. Waxing makes no difference ;-)
Just keep pickin' and grinnin'...
This whole banter is so hilarious!
When I was on steroids I dreamed that I had leprosy and that I actually rubbed my nose off in pieces. It was disgusting.
Funny you should mention leprosy. Those afflicted with it become, by need, more vigilant about their surroundings. An injury that is not felt can be life threatening.
When I was first diagnosed I couldn't feel anything on the right side of my body and after discovering a number of bruises on my arm realized that I was bumping into things much harder than I felt. I started to dip my left foot in the tub to check the water temp before getting in for fear of burns.
I get nose tickles all the time. I'm always afraid someone will think I'm picking my nose. Did you ever see that Seinfeld episode?
oh man I thought you were going to tell me a story about how you're turning into a witch & with your twitchy nose you can cast spells & other cool tricks like that . . . ah well maybe next time your nose twitches you can give it a go!
please tell me that is not your nose!
Please answer Merelyme question...wandering minds wants to know.
Dear God! I swear on all that is holy that is NOT my nose!!! Puleeze peeps...I am an old, hormone-less woman, but even I have not yet grown a mustache THAT full!!!!
(For Blinders Off and Merelyme)
I know that is not your nose, I egged you on just to get you to comment because you rarely do :)
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