A couple of you commented and sent emails that perhaps my feline friend WAS trying to communicate with me and she might be peeing in the bathtub drain because she is ILL, not highly evolved as I so wanted to believe. So, I consulted the "catologist" on staff at work...my neighbor and my friend...the only "cat whisperer" I know. Woe is me. My chosen expert on the subject of feline behavior ALSO suspects the poor P.O.D. may be suffering from a URINARY TRACT INFECTION!!!!! WOOT?!?!
So...it's off to that expensive vet doctor I go this weekend. To have my poor, little kitty shamelessly "cathed" and test her urine. Somewhere around $200 - $300 dollars later, I will finally have a definite answer...she will either be found ill or...THE SMARTEST CAT ON THE FACE OF THIS EARTH!
I'm still really hoping for the "intelligent" outcome...LOL...
I hope your cat doesn't have a dreaded UTI but, if it did, why would it go over a drain? Wouldn't it just go "wherever"? UTI or not, it still seems smart to me...
I wanted to tell you yesterday that her using the tub to pee in was "a cry for help"but I thought you would think I was projecting! I am relieved to read she will be going to the vet and you won't hesitate to spend money for whatever tests she needs. I have finally accepted that you will never be spending that same amount of money on yourself to buy an air-conditioner to help your MS!
Here is to the hopes that POD has smarts in the brain and not an infection in the drain.
I too hope for a genuis cat outcome. :-}
LOL...I'm rooting for the feline genius theory, so I can say "I know someone who has a cat..."
Hi Braincheese. I am new to blogging (PPMS, living in London, UK) and haven' got going yet (so don't look!).
But I had to tell you how much I enjoy your blog and learning about your life.
In this instance (apart from not liking poor POD's name!), I wonder if she IS super-intelligent but got an infection from the drain - unless it's more sterile than most!
Yeah, that's what I'd believe if she has got a UTI.
Take care, BC (is that all right?) - especially with the steroids.
Thanks for being there.
Love, Virginia
You don't have an AC? What is wrong with you? OMG! Now I'll never visit you!
I know you're relieved.
I'm with you...because I LIKE your way of thinking best! LOL
And now you know why I DON'T have an air conditioner...I have an expensive CAT!!!
There's just nothing to say in response to your comment...except to grab myself and laugh!
Einstein was thought to be retarded in the 3rd grade...maybe I just underestimated this cat?!?
Amen, sister...I'd love to have SOMETHING to hang my claim to fame on. Why not the bizarre?!? LOL
Welcome!! Very nice of you to drop a comment here and introduce yourself.
Do keep us all informed when you are "up and running" on your blog...always looking for fresh perspectives here.
Nope...no AC needed (usually) in the PacNorthwest. Unless, of course, you ARE coming to town?!? Or I could just fan you too? LOL
I would never asked to be fanned (LOL) I'm not that prissy.
Next time hubby goes to Seattle maybe I'll hitch a ride...!
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