Hate Comes Home (ophobe)...
Sigh. They're here...in my beautiful city. I'm talking about the Fred Phelps wackado protesters from Kansas. They are picketing black churches, Jewish establishments, and tomorrow the local high school in the "hood" where I live nearby (because they must think this particular school is FILLED with blacks, Jews, and gays/lesbians?!?). All seven of them...Fred's family, that is. I couldn't even post a link within Freaky Fred's name up there because I don't WANT him getting anymore coverage for his hate than he already gets...heck, I couldn't even post one of the infamous pictures of Fred's gang of seven with their hate-filled posters for this reason. So, I chose a group of MONKEYS instead! Fitting. Although, I think even the primates refrain from this type of animal behavior...my apologies to primates everywhere.
Would it be so WRONG to wish for one of the becoming-all-too-frequent drive by gang shootings to occur in my "hood" around the same time these freaks are protesting tomorrow in front of the High School? Yeah, I suppose that wouldn't be too "Christ-like or Godly" to wish violence on this group of ignorant wackados. It would be like shooting a cage full of monkeys...so sad...
I don't give a sh*t about being "christ-like" so I have no issuses with wishing them shot down! The picture should be of the monkeys' ass holes, although that is an insult to monkey ass holes everywhere.
I like your idea of a gangsta' drive by for the event if we could make sure they sighted in the right target. Then, once they're caught it's a two-fer!
I have to wonder, though, where is all this overt hatred coming from? I just don't get it.
I agree it's not "God-ly" but it's honesty & probably what lots of others where thinking but hadn't yet said!
Fred's ignorant group comes to rural Maine to disrupt the funerals of gay people....Couldn't we take the chimps out of the research facilities and put Freddie's group into the cages to research stupidity?
Fred Phelps and wackado protesters are the biggest hypocrites all in the name of God.
No it is not "Christ-like- or Godly" to wish violence on groups of ignorant wacados, but neither are they Christ-like-or Godly in their behavior...let the shooting begin!
The Phelps gang are sad folk indeed who are hate filled.
Wonder what it must be like growing up in that environment.
Makes me wonder if they abuse their kids.
I think alot of hatred and violence is fuelled by war.
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