Happy Passover, Easter, Spring...
I've been nursing a cold for the past three days and I am hoping this, too, shall pass(over)...I feel pretty much like a pile of self-loathing, nose-dripping, exhausted caca. In the meantime, I'll share with you one of my most favorite I'll-smoke-a-turd-in-hell pictures for the holiday season:
Happy whatever it is you choose to celebrate!
**sniffle, sniffle, cough, cough**
I think you're smokin' somethin'! Happy "whatever" my fellow irreverent friend.
I hope Bubbie's right and you are smoking something worthwhile.
That photo is hilarious! I do not think God will mind. I truly believe he has a sense of humor.
Hope your cold gets better soon.
Love and God bless,
I always figured Judas for a yellow peep. WHERE to you find your pics? Truly funny.
Mmmm! I loves me some Peeps! That would be a last supper that I would attend. Speaking of Peeps, the peeps in my house all have colds right now, too. Must be something in the air...
I'm vaping what you're having. Hey, quit being greedy. Pass over the bag, errr....the cold.
It sounds like your cold is worse than mine. Sorry to hear that. Here's to hoping you get over it pronto!
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