I've been eating pretty much nonstop for over 2 weeks...having just had a round of 3 IV Solu's and a Prednisone taper now followed by an ongoing 5 IV Solumedrol trip, I've got more ROIDS floating around in my system than Barry Bonds ever dreamed of having! (Yes, different KIND of steroids, peeps.)
Besides the ravenous appetite, the roids are really hitting my sleep hard...or lack there of. My usual medication cocktails, AKA, elephant tranquilizers, seem to only be blowing dust around my brain versus fairy sparkles of sleep...and leaving this dust caking in my eyes. I look to have either been on one hella bender of drugs or alcohol or having just walked out of a severe sand storm! LOL
The "good" news (if one can optimistically see the silver cloud lining through the storm) is, I AM having less agitation in my leg...which has shifted to a worsening weakness and some gait difficulties. Weakness I can deal with, but that pain and agitation HAD to go...I was beginning to sway, bounce, and pace in public in the most alarming of parkinsonian ways...just not pretty. And the vibrating sensation in my left shoulder DOES also seem a bit better as does the pain down my arm. Not sure if this is a direct result of the Soly IV's or the addition of the Mirapex Dr. SWWNBN prescribed in my monumental office visit this week. My left-sided facial numbness is now just a slight occurence, leaving me once again with my signature smirk, also possibly a direct result of the Soly. I don't think it really MATTERS which cause is the culprit...I just want it ALL GONE. LOL
I have been staying off work AGAIN and home bored out of my mind...mainly, because my concentration level is that of a severely ADHD chicken! I just KNOW I've been doing "something" to pass my time at home, but really have nothing to show for it nor can I recall what "it" is! I have made a promise to do a bit of Numerology dabbling for BUBBIE in honor of her upcoming birthday this week (YES!!!! You've been outted, my friend!!!! Moohahaha)...that will require a bit of focus AND math...neither, of which, I seem to have any control over. LOL So, her "reading" could be verrrrrry interesting. I've got cobwebs hanging from my ceilings the size of large fishing nets, which need to be swept down and another accumulated pile of laundry to beat on the rocks in the river. There are certainly things I CAN do...if I can focus and remember to start them AND finish the tasks.
I am hoping the rest of you MS bloggers will post prolifically and profoundly (really doesn't even have to be profound, just entertaining will suffice!) to keep me occupied for the next 3 days...I NEED something to read and to do besides eating! How's that for a guilt trip on ya? LOL...
I don't have my own blog to write on today to entertain you. I will tell you I use a great animal reiki lady in Massachusetts for my cats if you haven't found an answer yet for Meha's need to pee in the drain-And I am about to order a box of Godiva White Chocolates for myself today (maybe 2 boxes to tell you the truth) --if I knew where you were in Seattle, I would send a box your way to satisfy your roid hunger! I am taking a class on the Soul and am being told I may have the energy of a shaman, so I am learning today how to go about healing the broken fragments of my fractured soul so I can help others. I am reading it takes alot of drumming--my sister has a didgerydoo (?) from Australia so odd things will be going down here today as I learn more about this before class tomorrow. And my cat Claudia is having surgery today to have her teeth cleaned. Has reading this occupied some of your time today? Happy Birthday Bubba. I hope you feel better Braincheese.
Yes! As always, you are most enlightening and entertaining! I hope Claudia's surgery goes smoothly...and those Godiva's slide down with delight! LOL
Geese Ms. Cheese! You outted me! You will pay! Probably sooner than later if you read the latest installment of my blog...guaranteed to bring you down. Just don't stay there.
Get in line with those threats of me "paying" for my sins..."God" already HAS my number! LMAO
Oh Cheesie One, Heaven doesn't want you and the Devil can't handle the competition you'd bring his way so it looks like you're safe for another few years. LOL!
I'm intrigued by Harkoo's Reiki lady and would love to know what town she's in and if she's in the phone book.
As for keeping you amused goes, for that you must be awake, online and ready to chat like I am. Kind of hard to chat any other way, y'know? I just don't have enough in the bank to talk to myself. :)
Peej-the reiki lady is Aileen D'Angelo in Massachusetts Aileen@ReikiforCritters.com She also helps people. My sister is level 3 reiki practitioner and swears by her, taking several workshops with her. Aileen works over the phone also. Have fun exploring her websight.
Well I'm afraid to say I'll be packing, but maybe I'll post pictures as I pack each box, that way you can see how I'm doing (or lack there of) and send me messages of motivation & it would also give me extra procrastination :)
just to let ya know you're famous in our lab now, as I told everyone how you were a participant in the anti-CD20 (rituximab) study a few years back!!
You DO make me laugh in those chats, though! Unfortunately, sitting still at the computer is next to impossible right now...another time?
PEEJ seems to be having difficulty locating the Reiki lady on line? Don't know if you saw her other comment or not...
Infamous is more like it! Unfortunately, the RITUXAN study did not go well in my favor...got much worse...and I'm pretty sure I got the drug!
Happy packing and happy moving...it will surely be nice when that task is over?!?
Animal Reiki Try ReikiforCritters.com and see how that goes for you people who are interested
Thanks Harkoo! That URL worked just fine. :)
Now to go take a peek.......
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